I recently ran into the issue with usage of GPIO pins on my Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano 8GB (Jetpack 6.0, latest firmware update)
My initial goal was to connect this relay to the board using GPIO pins.
But unfortunately I wasn’t able to do so. I already ran through almost every post related to GPIO issues I could’ve find on this forum or anywhere else. Here is the list of things I accomplished so far:
- Using official library for GPIO GitHub - NVIDIA/jetson-gpio: A Python library that enables the use of Jetson's GPIOs
- Changing pinmux as described here Jetson AGX Orin Platform Adaptation and Bring-Up — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation (I was trying to set GPIO pins to be output)
- Changing values using gpiod library
None of the steps make difference. I am using multimeter and no matter what I do there is always 0 Voltage on any GPIO pin