Hey all,
I’m trying to encode a JPEG from an OpenCV Mat, using NvJPEGEncoder. I think I have the basics working, but the resulting JPG is mangled in a particular way. I’m guessing that I’m using the wrong YUV formatting.
I’ve attached the resulting JPEG, as well as one encoded correctly (from the same frame). The difference will probably give us a clue, but I can’t figure it out…
Below is my (test) code.
Thank you!
void encodeJpeg(Mat rgb) {
// Convert an RGB Mat to a YUV Mat
// I've also tried cv::COLOR_RGB2YUV_I420, but then the raw-data length is incorrect
cv::Mat yuv;
cv::cvtColor(rgb, yuv, cv::COLOR_RGB2YUV);
// Convert YUV Mat to NvBuffer
NvBuffer nvbuf(V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420M, yuv.cols, yuv.rows, 0);
auto ret = read_video_frame((const char*)yuv.data, yuv.total()*yuv.elemSize(), nvbuf);
if(ret < 0) log_error("read_video_frame error");
// Encode JPEG
unique_ptr<NvJPEGEncoder> jpegenc( NvJPEGEncoder::createJPEGEncoder("jpenenc") );
if(!jpegenc) log_error("jpegenc error");
unsigned long out_buf_size = yuv.cols * yuv.rows * 3 / 2;
unsigned char *out_buf = new unsigned char[out_buf_size];
ret = jpegenc->encodeFromBuffer(nvbuf, JCS_YCbCr, &out_buf, out_buf_size, 40);
if(ret < 0) log_error("encodeFromBuffer error");
// Save to disk
std::ofstream out_file("test.jpg");
out_file.write((char *) out_buf, out_buf_size);
// read_video_frame - Inspired by the version provided in NvUtils
int read_video_frame(const char* inpBuf, unsigned inpBufLen, NvBuffer & buffer)
log_trace("read_video_frame: "+to_string(inpBufLen)+" vs "+to_string(buffer.planes[0].fmt.bytesperpixel * buffer.planes[0].fmt.width * buffer.planes[0].fmt.height * buffer.n_planes));
uint32_t i, j;
char *data;
for (i = 0; i < buffer.n_planes; i++)
NvBuffer::NvBufferPlane &plane = buffer.planes[i];
std::streamsize bytes_to_read =
plane.fmt.bytesperpixel * plane.fmt.width;
data = (char *) plane.data;
plane.bytesused = 0;
for (j = 0; j < plane.fmt.height; j++)
unsigned numRead = min((unsigned)bytes_to_read, (unsigned)inpBufLen);
memcpy(data, inpBuf, numRead);
if (numRead < bytes_to_read) {
log_error(to_string(bytes_to_read)+" vs "+to_string(inpBufLen));
return -1;
inpBuf += numRead;
inpBufLen -= numRead;
data += plane.fmt.stride;
plane.bytesused = plane.fmt.stride * plane.fmt.height;
return 0;