NvRmMemInitNvmap failed with Permission denied

When tried to run an application in docker with non-root user, the error happened:

NvRmMemInitNvmap failed with Permission denied
549: Memory Manager Not supported

NvRmMemInit failed error type: 196626

*** NvRmMemInit failed NvRmMemConstructor
nvbufsurftransform:cuInit failed : 801

Also, I tried to add the user into video group, which not help.

How to solve it thanks.

The base image is nvcr_io_nvidia_l4t-base_r35.1.0, and Docker version is 20.10.12


Thanks for reporting this.
Could you share the detailed steps to reproduce the error with us?


it is ok to use $(id -u) instead of -u $(id -u):$(id -g) when starting the docker.

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Good to know this.
Thanks for the feedback.

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