I am novice in deep learning and currently working on object detection on Jetson TK1 with real-time video from a webcam. The two frameworks or applications I tired are
Darknet Yolo: Got 5-6 frames per second with Tiny-yolo configuration and tiny-yolo weights
Single shot multibox detector (works on caffe): got 5 fps
Has anyone used these or any other framework for object detection (classification and localization of objects in an image) for real-time video on the Jetsons? If yes, then what was the maximum frame rate achieved?
Hello, I saw your post and I am new to the jetson, I wanted to achieve the image/object detection using Yolo or SSD, can you please guide me through the process of achieving this? I know you said the max you achieved was 5-6 fps but this is something I’m really interested in and would like to at least get to that point :)
Hello, i am trying to get object detection working on jetson using darknet yolo. Can you please guide me step by step on how you achieved the 5-6 fps configuration working?