Occupancy Map unkonwn space

I’m using the Occupancy Map extension to generate a map. But no matter how I adjust the parameters, I can’t get the freespace(white color space),he entire map is gray and black:

Did I use it the wrong way?

Make sure that the origin/center of the mapping space is not intersecting with any geometry, otherwise there is no way to distinguish occupied from unoccupied properly.

Is the Z height of the origin set to be above the ground?

If the issue persists, can you reproduce it in a smaller scene that you can share?

I made some changes, but some places are still not available. I don’t know what the difference is between freespace and unkonown space.

I set the Z height of the origin 10 to ensure it is above the ground ,and the origin of map not be occupied.


Once occupied/unoccupied spaces are mapped, a flood fill algorithm is used to fill outwards from origin (which is why origin must be unoccupied)

If there are no openings in the map, there is no way to determine free space. In your image, it looks correct, there is no way to go from the white area to the gray ones, no doors/opening would allow it.

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