Omniverse Decal System

Hello I’m validating transitioning from our current rendering pipeline within Unity to Omniverse.

The first problem I see is that I don’t see how to solve the next problem. Within Unity I have a complex system of decals (textures) that have a rendering order supported by the draw order of Unity’s decals shaders. Is it possible to do the same within Omniverse? How can I reorder transparent objects so that they appear in the order I want, having the same position as the meshes.
Neither in the Omniverse Code projector system nor in the Omniverse create shaders do I see any valid system. Thank you

Replicator has a material projection technique that may suit your needs. Its more targeted for single objects, rather than complex scenes, but its worth a look:

Thank for the reply pcallender.

I have researched the Replicator approach but it doesn’t fit my needs. I haven’t found how to sort several decals that coexist in the same position. Did I miss something?

On the other hand, transparent shaders seems to use a cutout approach and I would need a fade one like Unity or Unreal does.

Thank you.