Omniverse Streaming Client failed to connect to Isaac Sim

this is my client log:

[2024-06-28 19:20:26,032]=03:20:26=   DEBUG [Geronimo: GeronimoRemoteConfig] {00001160} - Cannot open config file RemoteConfig.json.
[2024-06-28 19:20:26,033]=03:20:26=    INFO [Tracing] {00001160} - Starting tracing for gfn-gamestream.
[2024-06-28 19:20:26,034]=03:20:26=   ERROR [OV-Streaming-Client: main] {00001160} - SetProcessDpiAwareness failed with 80070005
[2024-06-28 19:20:26,034]=03:20:26=    INFO [OV-Streaming-Client: main] {00001160} - Command line: "kit-remote.exe --width 1920 --height 1080 --server"
[2024-06-28 19:20:26,034]=03:20:26=    INFO [OV-Streaming-Client: main] {00001160} - Setting log level to 'E'
[2024-06-28 19:20:27,033]=03:20:27=   ERROR [Geronimo::Analytics] {00001160} - Failed to load dll: 找不到指定的模块。
[2024-06-28 19:20:27,403]=03:20:27=   ERROR [BifrostClient: Streamer] {00001160} -  updateVideoSettingsForNVbProfile: profile 8 is not handled
[2024-06-28 19:20:27,667]=03:20:27=   ERROR [NVST:ClientSession] {00003C04} -  Number of channels(2) is not valid for surround configuration
[2024-06-28 19:20:27,871]=03:20:27=   ERROR [NVST:NattHolePunch] {00001668} -  NattHolePunch: Failed to receive hole punching packet
[2024-06-28 19:20:27,872]=03:20:27=   ERROR [NVST:ClientSession] {00003C04} -  Control channel hole punching failed.
[2024-06-28 19:20:27,892]=03:20:27=   ERROR [GIOInterface] {00004DF0} - GERONIMO_ERROR 0xC0020003 GERONIMO_IOINTERFACE_INVALID_AUDIO_FUNC: Audio Renderer is NULL.
[2024-06-28 19:20:27,900]=03:20:27=   ERROR [NVST:ServerControl] {00001064} -  Unknown server notification
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,932]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:ClientLibraryWrapper] {00001668} -  Stream config not updated after rtsp handshake
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,932]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:ClientLibraryWrapper] {00001668} -  Cannot find streamEventRaised for type 1
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,932]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:DataChannelBuffers] {00001064} -  Tried to read enet data when none is available
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,932]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:ServerControlEnet] {00001064} -  Failed to read data from Enet socket with result 8000003C
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,932]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:ClientLibraryWrapper] {00001668} -  Cannot find streamEventRaised for type 2
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,932]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:ServerControlEnet] {00001064} -  Read failed due to other enet read errors
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,932]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:ClientSession] {00001064} -  Unable to read server command due to NVST_NETERR_CLIENT_DISCONNECT_UNINTENDED (2147745797)
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,947]=03:20:28=   ERROR [RemoteGridApp] {00007E18} - STREAMING: FAILED: NVB_SN_STOPPED_UNINTENTIONALLY (800e840c)
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,962]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:ClientLibraryWrapper] {00003C04} -  Stream config not updated after rtsp handshake
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,963]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:ClientLibraryWrapper] {00003C04} -  Cannot find streamEventRaised for type 1
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,963]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:ClientLibraryWrapper] {00003C04} -  Cannot find streamEventRaised for type 2
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,963]=03:20:28=   ERROR [NVST:EnetSocket] {00003C04} -  Failed to send message, run loop is continuing, socket is disconnecting, peer is 0000000000000000
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,963]=03:20:28=   ERROR [BifrostClient: Streamer] {00003C04} - Failed to start streaming: Error: NVST_DISCONN_SERVER_VIDEO_ENCODER_INIT_CUDA_ENCODE_OPEN_FAILED (0x800e840c)
[2024-06-28 19:20:28,963]=03:20:28=   ERROR [BifrostClient: SessionController] {00003C04} - Failed to start the streamer for session dae05e17-5752-49ef-a52a-00c604a4da75. Aborting the session.
[2024-06-28 19:20:29,192]=03:20:29=   ERROR [HTTPWin] {00007AB4} - Encountered a general WinHttp request error 12029

and the following is my server log:

main: thread_init: already added for thread
main: thread_init: already added for thread
2024-06-28 19:20:27 [240,482ms] [Info] [carb.livestream.plugin] Stream server: connected stream 0x7ff008022b60 on connection 0x7ff0b4088650
2024-06-28 19:20:28 [241,550ms] [Info] [carb.livestream.plugin] Client (nil) disconnected.
2024-06-28 19:20:28 [241,584ms] [Info] [carb.livestream.plugin] Client (nil) disconnected.
2024-06-28 19:20:28 [241,833ms] [Info] [carb.livestream.plugin] Stream Server: stream0 0x7ff0b4088650 (type 1) stopped
2024-06-28 19:20:28 [241,833ms] [Info] [carb.livestream.plugin] Stream Server: stream1 0x7ff0b4096270 (type 4) stopped
2024-06-28 19:20:28 [241,833ms] [Info] [carb.livestream.plugin] Client (nil) disconnected.

I use Omniverse Streaming Client, and Isaac Sim Container as server

so what is the problem, and how should I do?

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Hello, has your issue been resolved?