Orin NX 8GB PP.06 GPIO

I am generating our pinmux DTSIs from the Orin NX pinmux spreadsheet version 1.04.

After noticing that I cannot control GPIO PP.06, I started looking at the pinctl code and saw that the pin function groups available to it do not include a “rsvd” function.

From pinctrl-tegra234.c:

PINGROUP(soc_gpio25_pp6,  VI0,    I2S5,    VI1,    DMIC1,    0x0030,

The pinmux reflects these values as well:

Is this pin not allowed to be selected as a GPIO?

Hi rstubbs,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Orin NX?
What’s the Jetpack version in use?

Do you want to use this pin as GPIO?
If so, please try to configure it as following.

and share the result of the following command on your board.

$ sudo busybox devmem 0x02430030

This is on a custom carrier, Jetpack 5.12.

Our settings were as follows:

Output of busybox:

nvidia@ubuntu:~$ sudo busybox devmem 0x02430030

Our initial required state is set to “Drive 1”, which is the only difference. These settings work on all other GPIOs.

Okay, then you can configure it as Output/Drive 1.

Do you mean only PP.06 cannot be controlled as GPIO?

Please try running the following command to control PP.06 in JP5.1.2

$ sudo su
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio|grep PP.06
# echo 446 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# cd /sys/class/gpio/PP.06
# cat direction
# echo out > direction
# echo 0 > value
# echo 1 > value

We have been conducting the same test. The same commands can be used to control all our other GPIOs with those settings, just not this one.

We tested on a devkit, where that pin is a Bluetooth enable GPIO, and we can control it there. The pin is configured as 3.3V enable (open drain) with a pull up resistor.

Hi, please refer to this topic: Issues Driving GPIO02 as an Output - #15

3.3V tolerance is only used as open drain. An external pull-up is necessary for the GPIO pin if its “3.3v tolerance” is enable.

We saw that as well. We confirmed that it works with 3.3V enable coupled with a pull-up, but the pin won’t work if 3.3V enable w/pull-up isn’t used.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence, we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

I don’t get what you mean… Did you use external pull-up for 3.3V tolerance enabled?