I am generating our pinmux DTSIs from the Orin NX pinmux spreadsheet version 1.04.
After noticing that I cannot control GPIO PP.06, I started looking at the pinctl code and saw that the pin function groups available to it do not include a “rsvd” function.
Okay, then you can configure it as Output/Drive 1.
Do you mean only PP.06 cannot be controlled as GPIO?
Please try running the following command to control PP.06 in JP5.1.2
$ sudo su
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio|grep PP.06
# echo 446 > /sys/class/gpio/export
# cd /sys/class/gpio/PP.06
# cat direction
# echo out > direction
# echo 0 > value
# echo 1 > value
We have been conducting the same test. The same commands can be used to control all our other GPIOs with those settings, just not this one.
We tested on a devkit, where that pin is a Bluetooth enable GPIO, and we can control it there. The pin is configured as 3.3V enable (open drain) with a pull up resistor.
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence, we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.
I don’t get what you mean… Did you use external pull-up for 3.3V tolerance enabled?