Our Guide to NVIDIA Omniverse at SIGGRAPH 2023

Pioneering Graphics for the AI Generation

August 6-10, 2023

SIGGRAPH is right around the corner, and this year NVIDIA will be onsite in Los Angeles (and virtually) to celebrate the latest breakthrough research in graphics, research, Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD), and AI that are driving next-generation discoveries.

Whether you are an Omniverse user or just curious, book some one-on-one time to ask all of your burning questions about the Omniverse platform, or have a relaxed chat with our experts. Reserve your spot now.

Here’s a complete list of Omniverse activities at SIGGRAPH:


MONDAY, AUG 7 - Hands-on Labs

TUESDAY, AUG 8 - Keynote

  • [Onsite and online] Keynote - Explore What’s Next in AI | 8:00 a.m. PDT, South Hall K
  • [Onsite] Birds of a Feather - USD, Hydra and OpenSubdiv: Pixar’s Open Source Meetup | 2:00 p.m. PDT, Room 518
  • [Onsite] Real Time Demo - Interactive AI Material Generation and Editing in NVIDIA Omniverse | 6:00 p.m. PDT, West Hall B


Have questions, want to discuss a project, or get help? Finish out OpenUSD Day at SIGGRAPH with informal office hours at 4:45 - 6:00 p.m. PDT in Room 404 B to meet our engineering, research, and community teams.


In addition to the events listed above, if you’re looking for some light reading, check out the 20 papers that showcase NVIDIA research advancements in rendering and gen AI across the community.

We’ll be recording all the sessions listed above and will post them to Discord once they’re available.

We hope to see you there and make sure to stop by our session room and labs to say hi!

Learn More: NVIDIA at SIGGRAPH 2023

Stay up-to-date with the latest Omniverse announcements by following us on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, Medium and Discord.

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