Particle system from python script not rendering in GUI

Hello everyone. I found an issue with a simulation including a particle system and I would like to ask you for your input. To me it seems like a bug during rendering but of course I might have done something wrong. Thanks a lot!.

Isaac Sim Version


Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04

GPU Information

  • Model: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070
  • Driver Version: 560.35.03

Topic Description

Detailed Description

Found a rendering issue when particle sampler objects are used from a Python script. I am trying to generate a liquid spills dataset and for that I am combining a simple physic simulation (for the liquid to fall) + replicator step to save the data. Given that writing a liquid in python can be a little bit complicated I decided to create a simple version from the GUI and then save it as a .usd file that I can load from the script. I tested this .usd file in a new instance of the GUI (opening it) and it works as expected.

The problem I found is that when I try to do the same from a python script, the blob of liquid floats and never reaches the ground (Or so it seems) even though the command world.step(render = True) is used. I tried several things to no avail until I added a rigid body below the blob and found that after a few frames it suddenly got thrown around the stage.

From this I can infer that the liquid is simulated but not rendered.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a particle system from the GUI and save it as .usd
  2. Write a python script to simulate the physics and read the file.

You can find a small example here:

import isaacsim
from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp
import datetime
now =

ENV = ""
OUTPUT_DIR =  "/home/alexismenendez/Downloads/Omniverse/test_sdg/replicator_output_"+ now
num_frames = 30
rt_subframes = 32

# Create the SimulationApp

# Use default config, otherwise pass a dict with the desired configuration
# Set headless to False to visualize the simulation
sim_app = SimulationApp(launch_config={"headless": False})

import omni.replicator.core as rep
import numpy as np
from omni.isaac.core.utils import prims
from omni.isaac.core import World
from omni.isaac.core.utils.stage import open_stage, get_current_stage
from pxr import Gf, UsdGeom, Usd

# Open the stage using the open_stage func.
# This function returns a boolean value indicating if the stage was opened successfully
if open_stage(ENV):
    print("Stage opened successfully")

stage = get_current_stage()

# Create cameras in stage
camera =
    focus_distance=400.0, focal_length=24.0, clipping_range=(0.1, 10000000.0), name="Cam"

# Set the writer and render products
render_prod = rep.create.render_product(camera, resolution = (1024, 1024), name = "RenderProduct")

writer = rep.WriterRegistry.get(writer_name = "BasicWriter")
writer.initialize( output_dir=OUTPUT_DIR, rgb=True, bounding_box_2d_tight=True)
# Attach the render products

# Create the water from the Sphere_liquid.usd
water = prims.create_prim(

children_prim= water.GetAllChildren()
# Translate the water to the desired position by adding a translate op.
for k in children_prim:
    # Get children prims from the water prim
    subchildren_prim = k.GetAllChildren()
    for j in subchildren_prim:
        if j.GetName() in ["ParticleSystem", "Sphere"]:
        # Translate the ParticleSet prim
        prim_path = j.GetPath()
        xform = UsdGeom.Xformable(j)
        transform = xform.AddTranslateOp()
        transform.Set(Gf.Vec3f(0, 0, 2.5))
# Setup the randomizations to be triggered every frame
with rep.trigger.on_frame():
    with camera:
        # Fix camera position for now
            position=(1, 9, 2),

# Create the physical sim
def water_phys(world, max_sim_steps=256):
    # Reset the world
    # Iterate until the max_sim_steps or the liquid stops flowing
    for _ in range(max_sim_steps):
        # Step the world
        world.step(render = True)

# Start the SDG
print(f"Running SDG for {num_frames} frames")
# Set the world to use the torch backend and CUDA as particle systems require gpu dynamic flag true
world = World(physics_dt = 1/60, stage_units_in_meters = 1, backend= "torch", device = "cuda")

for i in range(num_frames):
    # Run a simulation before generating data

    # Trigger any on_frame registered randomizers and the writers (delta_time=0.0 to avoid advancing the timeline)
    rep.orchestrator.step(delta_time=0.0, rt_subframes=32)

# Wait for the data to be written to disk

Screenshots or Videos

Flying liquid and the rigid body:

The rigid body moving as if it had collided with something:

Additional Information

What I’ve Tried

Tried to disable fabric (world.get_physics_context().enable_fabric(False)) but it did not work. Tested the liquid .usd file from the GUI and it works as expected

Related Issues

Found this git issue in IsaacLab with the same problem: [Question] Rendered as if the particles stopped in their initial state · Issue #996 · isaac-sim/IsaacLab · GitHub

Hi @alexis.menendez ,
Indeed Isosurface meshes don’t work with fabric enabled, because fabric doesn’t support mesh topology updates. The meshes can only be updated through USD. I am trying to inquire why disabling fabric might not work for you. I assume, if you disable the isosurface, the particles move just fine?

Hi @SimonPhysX,
Apologies I was traveling last week and was unable to answer sooner.
I tried disabling the isosurface (By creating a new usd file and loading it) but the results are the same (With fabric on and off). Maybe the way I am disabling fabric is wrong (or something is missing)? I am doing it like this:

world = World(physics_dt = 1/60, stage_units_in_meters = 1, backend= "torch", device = "cuda")

If I may ask a question, would write the particle system directly in the script work? Or running the replicator through the GUI using a yaml? Thanks!


I found a solution to this, you just need to add these lines to your script

# Set to CPU so that fabric is completely disabled and liquids are simulated
world = World(physics_dt = 1/60, stage_units_in_meters = 1, device = "cpu")
physx_interface = omni.physx.get_physx_interface()
# Override CPU setting to use GPU

It seems you need to start the simulation with the GPU completely disabled and only then you can ask for the GPU to be used. I got this from the git issues in the IsaacLab repo [Question] Rendered as if the particles stopped in their initial state · Issue #996 · isaac-sim/IsaacLab · GitHub but as it was related to fabric I only tried to disable it.

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