The Problem:
I currently updated our rendering engine from OpenSceneGraph 3.2.3 to 3.6.3 and also wanted to update our OptiX 5.0.1 + CUDA rendering part to OptiX 6 and CUDA 10. I had some problems displaying the output_buffer with interop after the update but managed to do so in the end - our engine was working based on a bug that was fixed with the new version. Now I have an even stranger problem as before. Raytracing works and I can see the whole scenery with moving cars but the raytraced results are wrong.
What is wrong:
- The payload. After having problems with the raytraced results, I reduced the OptiX code to a bare minimum and removed all except 1 float from the payload. This leads to an Optix exception (crash) with the following log:
caught exception: Encountered a CUDA error: cudaDriver().CuMemcpyDtoHAsync( dstHost, srcDevice, byteCount, hStream.get() ) returned (700): Illegal address)
This payload causes the crash:
#ifndef PAYLOAD_H
#define PAYLOAD_H
struct PayloadTest
float intensity;
#endif // PAYLOAD_H
Changing to bigger payload fixes the issue!
#ifndef PAYLOAD_H
#define PAYLOAD_H
class Test
float intensity;
float intensity2;
float intensity3;
float intensity4;
struct PayloadTest
float intensity;
float intensity2;
float intensity3;
float intensity4;
float intensity5;
float intensity6;
float intensity7;
float intensity8;
Test test;
#endif // PAYLOAD_H
I can remember reading that the payload is stored in the register as long as it’s small enough. Otherwise, it will create a buffer for the necessary data. Why the small version crashes though is a mystery to me right now.
- The results in the payload.
After switching to the bigger payload, I analyzed the results inside.
RT_PROGRAM void closestHit()
prd.intensity = 1.0f;
RT_PROGRAM void anyHit()
float4 texColor = tex2D(texUnit0Sampler, texcoord0.x, texcoord0.y);
if (texColor.w <= 0.0f)
RT_PROGRAM void miss()
prd.intensity = 0.0f;
RT_PROGRAM void optiXLidarCamera()
float3 rayDirection = vigGetRayDirectionByDistributionBuffer();
optix::Ray ray;
const int ray_type = 0;
const float3 ray_origin = eye;
const float maxTravelDistance = 100.0f;
ray = optix::make_Ray(ray_origin, rayDirection, ray_type, scene_epsilon, maxTravelDistance);
PayloadTest prd;
prd.intensity = 0.0f;
rtTrace(top_object, ray, prd);
output_buffer[launch_index] = make_float3(prd.intensity,
rtPrintf( "Ray at launch index (%d,%d): intensity %f\n", launch_index.x, launch_index.y, prd.intensity);
The above code produces a black/red image with the sky being black and everything else completely red. I can see buildings and vehicles, the camera is correctly attached to the ego vehicle on the correct place. What is wrong are the values. If I write the t_hit value instead of 1.0f in the closest hit program, I get values of 30.000-40.000m. Setting the max distance to 100m does work since the hit objects are only ~100m away from the camera, but the results in t_hit are in thousands, which is also why a normalization by 100 before writing to output_buffer does not work correctly - I always get a 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f red or 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f black image, and I never get a fading red as you would expect in a depth map. I do not get any exceptions from OptiX (defined the exception program of course).
All this happens in OptiX 5 and OptiX 6, doesn’t matter which OptiX/CUDA version I take. I would be really glad if someone has an idea what I’m doing wrong since the raytracing works apparently, but has a strange behavior with the payload and the raytraced values. Important to note that I do disable RTX mode before creating the context in OptiX 6.
What I think is wrong:
- Payload should not crash
- Setting max distance to 100m should prevent t_hit being bigger than 100. I get values of couple of thousands.
Tested on Hardware + OS:
GPU: EVGA 1080 Ti 11GB
CPU: i9-7900X
Driver: 418.43
OS: OpenSuse 42.3
GPU: Quadro M5000M
CPU: i7 7990k
Driver: 435.21
OS: Ubuntu 18.04