Good Morning,
I’m a new user of PGI compiler for work reason. In particular I’m writing c++ codes but I don’t understand how I can compile a code with gpcpp function adding external libraries without installing that libraries because on my pc on work I don’t have many authorizations. In particular for the first project a need to use the libcurl library but I didn’t find any information about gpcpp compiler with that library or with makefiles or other option. Can someone help me to do that or could send me some examples and tutorials?
Thank you very much
Best regards
Hi Denis,
Apologies but I’m unclear on what you’re asking.
By “gpcpp” are you meaning the PGI C++ compiler, pgc++?
Are you asking how to build libcurl with pgc++?
The PGI C/C++ compilers are interoperable with GNU built libraries so you should be able to just link a pgc++ compiled binary with the system’s libcurl package. If you don’t have libcurl installed on your system, you will need to download an install it in order to link against it. So you should be able to just download the appropriate package for your Linux system from: curl - Download
Note that on Windows, PGI does not ship a C++ compiler, only C and Fortran.
Hi Mat
Thank you very much for your answer and availability.
As you understood, I’m trying to compile a c++ code on windows with PGI. As you suggested I will try to compile that code on linux. Maybe, do you know how to use the libcurl library without install it but just adding the folder of the complete library in the “include” folder or something similar ? This because on my work pc I don’t have the administrator authorizations to install new packages or softwares.
Thank you very very much
Best regards
Hi Denis,
While I haven’t install libcurl myself, my assumption is that you can install it in your home directory or other directory which you have permissions. Then just point your project (via "-I -L) to use this version rather than a system install.