Trying to get a pigpio program to work with the nano. Having issues getting it to run. Any support?
JetPack New Jetson.GPIO Python library but PIGPIO.
Below context is from Release Notes :: NVIDIA JetPack Documentation . FYI.
Jetson.GPIO provides an easy way to control GPIOs. The library has the same API as RPi.GPIO. See /opt/nvidia/jetson-gpio/doc/README.txt on your Jetson system for details.
Adafruit Blinka now uses Jetson.GPIO to support Jetson systems.
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I’m essentially trying to do this Tutorial: How to control a LED-Strip with a Raspberry Pi | EN+DE with the nano. I’ve got the hardware all set, now I just need something to control the lights.
I haven’t played much with the GPIO pins other than with some konnected boards and the 3v 5v pins.
Any tips on how to get this running?
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