Please share the link o install deepstream 4.0.2. Unable to find it


Please point me to deepstream installation package (tar and deb) to install on ubuntu 18.04 and Cuda toolkit 10.2.,
after check box I Agree To the Terms of the NVIDIA DeepStream SDK 5.0.1 Software License Agreement
you can see the download link for dGPU version and Jetson devices version
for Jetson device, you can also install Jetpack by sdkmanager, deepstream will be included if you choose the option.


Thank you for your reply.

But you have shared the link of deepstream 5.0.

Please share link for deepstream 4.0.2.

Thanks & Regards,
Mamtha Hosmane
But suggest you get latest version 5.0, we have bug fixes and new features.


Thank you again for the support.

But kindly share the deepstream 4.0.2 version for dpgpu setup, as i need to set up deeptream on quadro RTX4000.

Thanks and Regards,
Mamtha Hosmane

After download the package, you can refer to README within the package for setup.


The deepstream 4.0.2 package for jeston (deepstream_sdk_v4.0.2_jetson.tbz2) does not seem to be compatible with QUADRO RTX 4000,

Can you please share the link of dgpu setup?

Mamatha Hosmane