Power Button on Jetson Orin Nano

Hi, I have a Orin Nano Development Kit and a Seeed Studio Orin NX development kit. I have bought a couple of cases that have a power/reset button and I an finding that I cannot get the power button to work for either Orin. I have connected multiple switches to the PWR BTN/GND, LED +/-, and Auto ON/DIS. When i connect the Auto on/disabled jumper, neither kit would power on when I press the power button.
I have swapped jumpers, wires, and buttons but nothing seem to work. I have replaced the cases with new ones and replaced the orin nano dev kit once before. My questions are;

Is there a step I am missing to try and troubleshoot this problem?

Would something like a pullup/down resistor help in this case?

Is this a design feature for the Orin line? The common denominator has been the Orin line of SoMs, (having other troubles with reading I2C with Orins, but that’ll be another post)

ETA: The power button work with the original Jetson Nano (B) Development Kit

Can both device boot up well without the case?

I’m not sure about what’s the button here.
You may want to make sure it works fine by just using a jumper to trigger power on.

Both Devices boot up without issue if the jumper is not attached. The only thing i can think of is the button being wired incorrectly, even though i followed the wiring diagram. I will test the switches for each to determine if the wiring diagram is wrong or if it’s user error over the next day

I had the LED +/- and PWR/GND cables swapped and now I can use the power buttons as intended. Thank you for your swift replies and my apologies for wasting your time

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