Problem installing NVIDIA driver on Ubuntu 18.04 with a real time kernel

Good morning, I tried to install the NVIDIA Driver 450.102.04 for the Quadro P920 (on the RT Kernel 5.4.84-rt47, Ubuntu 18.04) using a script that was mentioned here: Install nvidia graphics driver in ubuntu using real-time patch kernel - Programmer Sought

I always end up getting the same error when I try to run “nvidia-smi”: “NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn’t communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.” Here’s the nvidia-installer log-file: driver.log (32.9 KB)

I tried different driver versions, but always receive the same error.

Is there anybody who managed to get their NVIDIA-Driver working using a real-time kernel?

Please run as root and attach the resulting nvidia-bug-report.log.gz file to your post.

Hello @generix I managed to resolve the issue by reinstalling Ubuntu and following the instructions provided here: apollo/ at master · ApolloAuto/apollo · GitHub

Thank you for your help!