Problem with NGC

Trying to build the TensorRT OSS using the build container =
Example: Ubuntu 20.04 on x86-64 with cuda-11.6.2 (default)

leads to a problem with NGC

 git clone -b master TensorRT
 cd TensorRT
 git submodule update --init --recursive

sudo ./docker/ --file docker/ubuntu-20.04.Dockerfile --tag tensorrt-ubuntu20.04-cuda11.6

results in this problem:

inflating: ngc-cli/boto3/data/cloudformation/2010-05-15/resources-1.json
   creating: ngc-cli/boto3/data/dynamodb/
   creating: ngc-cli/boto3/data/dynamodb/2012-08-10/
  inflating: ngc-cli/boto3/data/dynamodb/2012-08-10/resources-1.json
   creating: ngc-cli/boto3/data/sqs/
   creating: ngc-cli/boto3/data/sqs/2012-11-05/
  inflating: ngc-cli/boto3/data/sqs/2012-11-05/resources-1.json
   creating: ngc-cli/boto3/data/s3/
   creating: ngc-cli/boto3/data/s3/2006-03-01/
  inflating: ngc-cli/boto3/data/s3/2006-03-01/resources-1.json
  inflating: ngc-cli/
   creating: ngc-cli/frozenlist/
  inflating: ngc-cli/frozenlist/
 extracting: ngc-cli.md5
chmod: cannot access 'ngc': No such file or directory
The command '/bin/bash -c cd /usr/local/bin && wget && unzip && chmod u+x ngc && rm ngc.md5 && echo "no-apikey\nascii\n" | ngc config set' returned a non-zero code: 1


Dell Server with an A2 GPU.

TensorRT Version:

Nvidia Driver Version: 510.47.03
CUDA Version: 11.6
Operating System + Version: Ubuntu 20.04

Steps To Reproduce

From TensorRT/ at main · NVIDIA/TensorRT · GitHub

Generate the TensorRT-OSS build container.
The TensorRT-OSS build container can be generated using the supplied Dockerfiles and build script. The build container is configured for building TensorRT OSS out-of-the-box.
Example: Ubuntu 20.04 on x86-64 with cuda-11.6.2 (default)

 git clone -b master TensorRT
 cd TensorRT
 git submodule update --init --recursive

sudo ./docker/ --file docker/ubuntu-20.04.Dockerfile --tag tensorrt-ubuntu20.04-cuda11.6


Please try setting up ngc by following the below.

If you still face any issue, we recommend you to please post your concern here to get better help.

Thank you.

Ok thanks. I tried the above suggestion. unfortunately it seems the problem in accessing NGC is not in my environment but instead coming from within the build docker. Have opened an identical issue in the GitHub.

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