Program hit cudaErrorInvalidValue (error 1) due to "invalid argument" on CUDA API call to cudaMemsetAsync

I have an insanely weird bug.

I am calling cublasDgemm. I have a square matrix in column major order, multiplying by a rectangular matrix. numRows gives the dimensions of the square matrix (A), and the number of rows of the rectangular matrix (B). numCols gives the number of columns of the rectangular matrix (B). handle is a valid cublasHandle_t. C is the same size as B. alpha and beta are both const float, and both 1.0f

The call is:
cublasStatus_t stat = cublasDgemm (handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, numRows, numCols, numRows, &alpha, A, numRows, B, numRows, &beta, C, numRows);

In all situations I’m running the code under cuda-memcheck.

If I call the code with numRows < (2 * numCols) everything works.

If I call the code where everything is a compiled cuda app, it works.

If I compile the code calling cublasDgemm into a shared library and make a JNI call to the code, and numRows is “too big” compared to numCols, then I get the error from the title when calling cublasDgemm.

So if I call with numRows = 1726, and numCols = 296, it generates an error. If I call it with numCols = 5000, it runs correctly. By “runs correctly”, I mean that cuda-memcheck does not throw any errors, and the result of the matrix multiplication is correct.

I have rigorously and repeatedly checked the JNI code that starts the multiplication, vs the cuda code that does the same. Other than the parts of the code that pull the arrays from the JNI side, the code is identical. I’ve checked the numCols and numRows parameters, they’re passed correctly. I’ve checked all the arrays being passed in, they’re the correct sizes.

I’m at my wits’ end. Suggestions on what would be causing that error, and how to track it down, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

I would be suspicious of a type (or type size) mismatch between the Java side and the interface in your compiled library.

My only other suggestion would be to provide a complete test case.

How do I supply a complete test case? I have one, that minimally recreates the problem

Here is an example of how I might provide a complete example/test case for a problem that spans two languages (in this case, CUDA C++ and python) and uses a shared object (.so) as the library for the CUDA functions. Refer to the code section that begins with cat

In it, I provide all the CUDA code, plus the compile commands that I need to build the shared object. Then I provide the code in the other language (python, in that case) as well as the commands to run that code. I then actually run the code and show the output.

I also recommend providing the following information:

CUDA version, OS, and the GPU you are running on.

When posting code here, mark it with the code button </>
That is, when you have entered a block of code in your edit window, select it all, then click that button, before clicking the “Reply” button, to post your response.

The concept I hope is simple. I am starting with a clean slate. Provide me all the information I need to be able to actually observe the problem. Hopefully do it in a minimalist fashion: Everything needed, nothing that is not. But completeness is a far more important first objective than minimality.

There’s no guarantee that any of this will net you a response, or a useful response. In my experience, it increases the likelihood of those, and so that is why I suggest it. I make no claims that I will look at your issue, although I might. If you make it easy for me to recreate the issue, I am much more likely to work on it than if you don’t. And if you do a broken job of creating a test case that I can work with (e.g. leave out something that is necessary for me to build whatever it is you are working on) I will very often give up on things without any further comments/notice. I think the process of creating an example that someone else can work with should be plainly evident to any programmer beyond the most rudimentary stages of learning. Simply start with a new project and document everything that you had to add to get to the working test case. If you ever took a programming class, your classwork most likely involved you receiving some complete test cases, and also probably submitting some complete test cases for homework/projects/tests.

Cuda 10.2
nvcc -g -G -lcublas -I"$CUDA_SAMPLES/common/inc" -o CodeTester

cuda-memcheck ./CodeTester

cublasDgemm () returned error CUBLAS_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR (code 14), line (244)
========= Program hit cudaErrorInvalidValue (error 1) due to “invalid argument” on CUDA API call to cudaMemsetAsync.
========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at error
========= Host Frame:/lib64/ [0x3ac5a3]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ [0x2a6a89]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ [0x11c320]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ (runGemmShortApi + 0x12b) [0x11b7fb]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ [0x333427]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ (cublasDgemm_v2 + 0x333d) [0x3379cd]
========= Host Frame:./CodeTester [0x3901]
========= Host Frame:./CodeTester [0x3caf]
========= Host Frame:./CodeTester [0x4146]
========= Host Frame:./CodeTester [0x4206]
========= Host Frame:/lib64/ (__libc_start_main + 0xf5) [0x22545]
========= Host Frame:./CodeTester [0x3389]

========= Program hit cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle (error 400) due to “invalid resource handle” on CUDA API call to cudaEventRecord.
========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at error
========= Host Frame:/lib64/ [0x3ac5a3]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ [0x2a6192]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ [0x4658f]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ [0x47a51]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ [0x11c34f]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ (runGemmShortApi + 0x12b) [0x11b7fb]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ [0x333427]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/biotools/cuda/cuda-10.2/lib64/ (cublasDgemm_v2 + 0x333d) [0x3379cd]
========= Host Frame:./CodeTester [0x3901]
========= Host Frame:./CodeTester [0x3caf]
========= Host Frame:./CodeTester [0x4146]
========= Host Frame:./CodeTester [0x4206]
========= Host Frame:/lib64/ (__libc_start_main + 0xf5) [0x22545]
========= Host Frame:./CodeTester [0x3389]

========= ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors

Contents of

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

// CUDA runtime
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cublas_v2.h>

// Helper functions and utilities to work with CUDA
#include <helper_cuda.h>
#include <helper_functions.h>

using namespace std;

#define swap(a, b) {float *hold = a; a = b; b = hold;}
#define swapD(a, b) {double *hold = a; a = b; b = hold;}
#ifndef min
#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
#ifndef max
#define max(a,b) ((a > b) ? a : b)
#define	kBlockSize	32

 * Compare the contents of two T[].  If any value of {@code first} differs from {@code second} 
 * by {@code epsilon} or more, return false.  Else return true
 * @param first		double[] holding values to test, same length as {@code second}
 * @param second	double[] holding values to test, same length as {@code first}
 * @param size		Length of both {@code first} and {@code second}
 * @param epsilon	Test value.  All matching elements of {@code first} and {@code second} must 
 * differ by less than this
 * @param diffCount	Count of values in {@code first} that differ from {@code second} by {@code epsilon} or more, 
template <int BLOCK_SIZE, class T> __global__ void
compare (T *first, T *second, size_t size, T epsilon, size_t *diffCount)
	size_t	blockX = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_SIZE;
	size_t	threadX = threadIdx.x;
	size_t	pos = blockX + threadX;
	if (pos < size)
		T	value = first[pos] - second[pos];
		if (value < 0)
			value = -value;
		if (value > epsilon)

 * Copy the contents of {@code source} into {@code target}
 * @param source	float[] / double[] to read from.  Must not be null, and length {@code theSize}
 * @param target	float[] / double[] to write to.  Must not be null, and length {@code theSize}
 * @param theSize	Size of both arrays
template <int BLOCK_SIZE, class T> __global__ void
copy (const T *source, T *target, int theSize)
	// Block index
	int	blockX = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_SIZE;
	// Thread index
	int	threadX = threadIdx.x;
	//  Source location
	int	pos = blockX + threadX;
	if (pos < theSize)
		target[pos] = source[pos];

 * Write the transpose of {@code source} into {@code target}, on the Host
 * @param source	float / double[] to read from.  Must not be null, and length {@code numRows * numCols}
 * @param target	float / double[] to write to.  Must not be null, and length {@code numRows * numCols}
 * @param numRows	Number of rows in {@code source}, will be number of cols in {@code target}
 * @param numCols	Number of cols in {@code source}, will be number of rows in {@code target}
template <class T, class U> void transposeRCHost (const T source[], U target[], int numRows, int numCols)
	int	i, readPos = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
		int	j, writePos = i;
		for (j = 0; j < numCols; ++j)
			target[writePos] = (U) (source[readPos]);
			writePos += numRows;

 *	Chose which GPU to use, exiting on any error
void cSetDevice (int whichGPU, int line)
	cudaError_t	error = cudaSetDevice (whichGPU);

	if (error != cudaSuccess)
		printf ("cudaSetDevice (%d) returned error %s (code %d), line (%d)\n", whichGPU, cudaGetErrorString (error), error, line);
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
//	printf ("cudaSetDevice (%d) succeeded\n", whichGPU);

 *	Chose which GPU to use, exiting on any error
void cuBlasSetup (cublasHandle_t *handle, int whichGPU, int line)
	cSetDevice (whichGPU, line);
	cublasStatus_t	stat = cublasCreate (handle);
		printf ("CUBLAS initialization failed, cublasCreate () returned error %s (code %d), line (%d)\n", _cudaGetErrorEnum (stat), stat, line);
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

 * Matrix multiplication and addition on the device: {@code result = (mulMatrix * fxnMatrix) + addMatrix}
 * {@code widthMul} is {@code mulMatrix}'s width and {@code widthFxn} is {@code fxnMatrix}'s width
 * {@code result} and {@code addMatrix} have height {@code heightMul and width {@code widthFxn}
void cuBlasMul (cublasHandle_t handle, double *result, double *mulMatrix, double *fxnMatrix, 
				double *addMatrix, int colsMul, int rowsMul, int colsFxn, int rowsFxn, int line)
	cublasStatus_t	stat;
	const double	alpha = 1.0f;
	const double	beta = 1.0f;
	int				arraySize = colsFxn * rowsFxn;
	// Replace contents of result with addMatrix, so can use the beta add, rather than a separate operation
	copy<1024, double><<< (arraySize + 1023) / 1024, 1024 >>>(addMatrix, result, arraySize);
	stat = cublasDgemm (handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, rowsMul, colsFxn, rowsFxn, &alpha, 
						mulMatrix, rowsMul, fxnMatrix, rowsFxn, &beta, result, rowsMul);
		printf ("cublasDgemm () returned error %s (code %d), line (%d)\n", _cudaGetErrorEnum (stat), stat, line);
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

 *	Allocate cuda memory, exiting on any error
void cMalloc (void **target, size_t theSize, const char *name, int line)
	cudaError_t	error = cudaMalloc (target, theSize);

	if (error != cudaSuccess)
		printf ("cudaMalloc %s returned error %s (code %d), line (%d)\n", name, cudaGetErrorString (error), error, line);
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

 *	Copy to or from cuda memory, exiting on any error
void cCopy (void *target, const void *source, size_t theSize, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, const char *name, int line)
	cudaError_t	error = cudaMemcpy (target, source, theSize, kind);

	if (error != cudaSuccess)
		printf ("cudaMemcpy %s returned error %s (code %d), line (%d)\n", name, cudaGetErrorString (error), error, line);
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

cublasHandle_t *handles;

 *	Routine to let us know the library really is loaded
void initCuda (int numGPUs)
	handles = (cublasHandle_t *) malloc (numGPUs * sizeof(cublasHandle_t));
	for (int whichGPU = 0; whichGPU < numGPUs; ++whichGPU)
		cuBlasSetup (handles + whichGPU, whichGPU, __LINE__);	// Create a cublasHandle_t for each GPU

bool convergeMatrixCuBLASD (double *fxnMatrixH, double *mulMatrixH, double *addMatrixH, double *results, 
						    int numRows, int numCols, int maxIter, int whichGPU, double epsilon)
	cublasHandle_t	handle = handles[whichGPU];
	size_t	arraySize = numRows * numCols;
	size_t	memSizeFxn = arraySize * sizeof(double);
	size_t	memSizeMul = numRows * numRows * sizeof(double);
	double	*mulMatrix, *fxnMatrix, *addMatrix, *resultHold;
	size_t	changeCountH;
	size_t	*changeCount;
	bool	converged = false;
	struct timeval startTV;
	gettimeofday (&startTV, NULL);
	// Allocate device memory
	cMalloc ((void **) &mulMatrix, memSizeMul, "mulMatrix", __LINE__);
	cMalloc ((void **) &fxnMatrix, memSizeFxn, "fxnMatrix", __LINE__);
	cMalloc ((void **) &addMatrix, memSizeFxn, "addMatrix", __LINE__);
	cMalloc ((void **) &resultHold, memSizeFxn, "resultHold", __LINE__);
	cMalloc ((void **) &changeCount, sizeof(size_t), "changeCount", __LINE__);
	// copy host memory to device
	cCopy (mulMatrix, mulMatrixH, memSizeMul, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, "(mulMatrix, mulMatrixH)", __LINE__);
	cCopy (fxnMatrix, fxnMatrixH, memSizeFxn, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, "(fxnMatrix, fxnMatrixH)", __LINE__);
	cCopy (addMatrix, addMatrixH, memSizeFxn, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, "(addMatrix, addMatrixH)", __LINE__);
	int	i, numBlocks = (arraySize + 1023) / 1024;
	for (i = 0; i < maxIter; ++i)
		cuBlasMul (handle, resultHold, mulMatrix, fxnMatrix, addMatrix, numRows, numRows, numCols, numRows, __LINE__);
		cudaDeviceSynchronize ();
		swapD(resultHold, fxnMatrix);	// Want fxnMatrix to always hold the final results when we exit
		changeCountH = 0;
		cCopy (changeCount, &changeCountH, sizeof(size_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, "(changeCount, changeCountH)", __LINE__);
		compare<1024, double><<< numBlocks, 1024 >>>(fxnMatrix, resultHold, arraySize, epsilon, changeCount);
		cudaDeviceSynchronize ();
		cCopy (&changeCountH, changeCount, sizeof(size_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "(changeCountH, changeCount)", __LINE__);
		if (changeCountH == 0)
			converged = true;
	struct timeval endTV;
	gettimeofday (&endTV, NULL);
	unsigned long	theStart = (1000000 * startTV.tv_sec) + startTV.tv_usec;
	unsigned long	done = (1000000 * endTV.tv_sec) + endTV.tv_usec;
	printf ("cuBlasMul (double) used %lu microseconds for %d iterations\n", done - theStart, i);
	cCopy (results, fxnMatrix, memSizeFxn, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "(results, resultHold)", __LINE__);
	cudaFree (mulMatrix);
	cudaFree (fxnMatrix);
	cudaFree (addMatrix);
	cudaFree (resultHold);
	cudaFree (changeCount);
	return converged;

void testMulD (int numRows, int numCols, int maxIter, int whichGPU, int whichRun)
	double	epsilon = (double) 1e-12;
	size_t	arraySize = numRows * numCols;
	size_t	memSizeFxn = arraySize * sizeof(double);
	size_t	memSizeMul = numRows * numRows * sizeof(double);
	double	*mulMatrix, *fxnMatrix, *addMatrix;
	mulMatrix = (double *) malloc (memSizeMul);
	addMatrix = (double *) malloc (memSizeFxn);
	fxnMatrix = (double *) malloc (memSizeFxn);
	for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row)
		double	rowF = row;
		int		pos = row * numCols;	// Row offset
		for (int col = 0; col < numCols; ++col)
			double	value = rowF + col;
			addMatrix[pos + col] = fxnMatrix[pos + col] = value;
		pos = row * numRows;	// Row offset
		for (int col = 0; col < numRows; ++col)
			double	value = rowF + col;
			mulMatrix[pos + col] = value;
	double	*mulMatrixT, *fxnMatrixT, *addMatrixT, *resultsBLAS;
	mulMatrixT = (double *) malloc (memSizeMul);
	addMatrixT = (double *) malloc (memSizeFxn);
	fxnMatrixT = (double *) malloc (memSizeFxn);
	resultsBLAS = (double *) malloc (memSizeFxn);
	transposeRCHost<double, double> (fxnMatrix, fxnMatrixT, numRows, numCols);
	transposeRCHost<double, double> (addMatrix, addMatrixT, numRows, numCols);
	transposeRCHost<double, double> (mulMatrix, mulMatrixT, numRows, numRows);
	convergeMatrixCuBLASD (fxnMatrixT, mulMatrixT, addMatrixT, resultsBLAS, numRows, numCols, maxIter, whichGPU, epsilon);
	free ((void *) addMatrix);
	free ((void *) addMatrixT);
	free ((void *) fxnMatrix);
	free ((void *) fxnMatrixT);
	free ((void *) mulMatrix);
	free ((void *) mulMatrixT);
	free ((void *) resultsBLAS);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
	int	numRows = 1758;
	int	numCols = 296;
	int	maxIter = 1;
	int	numGPUs = 4;
	int	numRuns = 1;
	initCuda (numGPUs);
	for (int run = 0; run < numRuns; ++run)
		for (int whichGPU = 0; whichGPU < numGPUs; ++whichGPU)
			testMulD (numRows, numCols, maxIter, whichGPU, run);

I guess I’m glad to report that, in paring the .cu file down to just the code to recreate the error, the error now shows up here, too.

It still remains the case that running it with numCols = 5000, rather than 296, means it runs just fine

Previously I had interpreted your comments to mean that you could not reproduce the issue in a purely CUDA C++ setting:

But no matter.
The logical error you have is this:

  • you are attempting to use more than one GPU
  • you are correctly calling cudaSetDevice and then cublasCreate, during initCuda, to properly define a handle for each GPU
  • during processing (i.e. actual use of these handles) nowhere are you changing the device to the selected one (whichGPU). Therefore all of your subsequent loops and cublas calls/requests are going to a single GPU, but for some of these you are using handles created on other GPUs. This is broken.

The fix is to properly switch devices during your loop/processing:

$ cat
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

// CUDA runtime
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cublas_v2.h>

// Helper functions and utilities to work with CUDA
#include <helper_cuda.h>
#include <helper_functions.h>

using namespace std;

#define swap(a, b) {float *hold = a; a = b; b = hold;}
#define swapD(a, b) {double *hold = a; a = b; b = hold;}
#ifndef min
#define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
#ifndef max
#define max(a,b) ((a > b) ? a : b)
#define kBlockSize      32

 * Compare the contents of two T[].  If any value of {@code first} differs from {@code second}
 * by {@code epsilon} or more, return false.  Else return true
 * @param first         double[] holding values to test, same length as {@code second}
 * @param second        double[] holding values to test, same length as {@code first}
 * @param size          Length of both {@code first} and {@code second}
 * @param epsilon       Test value.  All matching elements of {@code first} and {@code second} must
 * differ by less than this
 * @param diffCount     Count of values in {@code first} that differ from {@code second} by {@code epsilon} or more,
template <int BLOCK_SIZE, class T> __global__ void
compare (T *first, T *second, size_t size, T epsilon, size_t *diffCount)
        size_t  blockX = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_SIZE;
        size_t  threadX = threadIdx.x;
        size_t  pos = blockX + threadX;

        if (pos < size)
                T       value = first[pos] - second[pos];

                if (value < 0)
                        value = -value;

                if (value > epsilon)

 * Copy the contents of {@code source} into {@code target}
 * @param source        float[] / double[] to read from.  Must not be null, and length {@code theSize}
 * @param target        float[] / double[] to write to.  Must not be null, and length {@code theSize}
 * @param theSize       Size of both arrays
template <int BLOCK_SIZE, class T> __global__ void
copy (const T *source, T *target, int theSize)
        // Block index
        int     blockX = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_SIZE;

        // Thread index
        int     threadX = threadIdx.x;

        //  Source location
        int     pos = blockX + threadX;

        if (pos < theSize)
                target[pos] = source[pos];

 * Write the transpose of {@code source} into {@code target}, on the Host
 * @param source        float / double[] to read from.  Must not be null, and length {@code numRows * numCols}
 * @param target        float / double[] to write to.  Must not be null, and length {@code numRows * numCols}
 * @param numRows       Number of rows in {@code source}, will be number of cols in {@code target}
 * @param numCols       Number of cols in {@code source}, will be number of rows in {@code target}
template <class T, class U> void transposeRCHost (const T source[], U target[], int numRows, int numCols)
        int     i, readPos = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < numRows; ++i)
                int     j, writePos = i;

                for (j = 0; j < numCols; ++j)
                        target[writePos] = (U) (source[readPos]);
                        writePos += numRows;

 *      Chose which GPU to use, exiting on any error
void cSetDevice (int whichGPU, int line)
        cudaError_t     error = cudaSetDevice (whichGPU);

        if (error != cudaSuccess)
                printf ("cudaSetDevice (%d) returned error %s (code %d), line (%d)\n", whichGPU, cudaGetErrorString (error), error, line);
                exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
//      printf ("cudaSetDevice (%d) succeeded\n", whichGPU);

 *      Chose which GPU to use, exiting on any error
void cuBlasSetup (cublasHandle_t *handle, int whichGPU, int line)
        cSetDevice (whichGPU, line);

        cublasStatus_t  stat = cublasCreate (handle);
        if (stat != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                printf ("CUBLAS initialization failed, cublasCreate () returned error %s (code %d), line (%d)\n", _cudaGetErrorEnum (stat), stat, line);
                exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

 * Matrix multiplication and addition on the device: {@code result = (mulMatrix * fxnMatrix) + addMatrix}
 * {@code widthMul} is {@code mulMatrix}'s width and {@code widthFxn} is {@code fxnMatrix}'s width
 * {@code result} and {@code addMatrix} have height {@code heightMul and width {@code widthFxn}
void cuBlasMul (cublasHandle_t handle, double *result, double *mulMatrix, double *fxnMatrix,
                                double *addMatrix, int colsMul, int rowsMul, int colsFxn, int rowsFxn, int line)
        cublasStatus_t  stat;
        const double    alpha = 1.0f;
        const double    beta = 1.0f;
        int                             arraySize = colsFxn * rowsFxn;

        // Replace contents of result with addMatrix, so can use the beta add, rather than a separate operation
        copy<1024, double><<< (arraySize + 1023) / 1024, 1024 >>>(addMatrix, result, arraySize);
        stat = cublasDgemm (handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, rowsMul, colsFxn, rowsFxn, &alpha,
                                                mulMatrix, rowsMul, fxnMatrix, rowsFxn, &beta, result, rowsMul);
        if (stat != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                printf ("cublasDgemm () returned error %s (code %d), line (%d)\n", _cudaGetErrorEnum (stat), stat, line);
                exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

 *      Allocate cuda memory, exiting on any error
void cMalloc (void **target, size_t theSize, const char *name, int line)
        cudaError_t     error = cudaMalloc (target, theSize);

        if (error != cudaSuccess)
                printf ("cudaMalloc %s returned error %s (code %d), line (%d)\n", name, cudaGetErrorString (error), error, line);
                exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

 *      Copy to or from cuda memory, exiting on any error
void cCopy (void *target, const void *source, size_t theSize, enum cudaMemcpyKind kind, const char *name, int line)
        cudaError_t     error = cudaMemcpy (target, source, theSize, kind);

        if (error != cudaSuccess)
                printf ("cudaMemcpy %s returned error %s (code %d), line (%d)\n", name, cudaGetErrorString (error), error, line);
                exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

cublasHandle_t *handles;

 *      Routine to let us know the library really is loaded
void initCuda (int numGPUs)
        handles = (cublasHandle_t *) malloc (numGPUs * sizeof(cublasHandle_t));

        for (int whichGPU = 0; whichGPU < numGPUs; ++whichGPU)
                cuBlasSetup (handles + whichGPU, whichGPU, __LINE__);   // Create a cublasHandle_t for each GPU

bool convergeMatrixCuBLASD (double *fxnMatrixH, double *mulMatrixH, double *addMatrixH, double *results,
                                                    int numRows, int numCols, int maxIter, int whichGPU, double epsilon)
        cublasHandle_t  handle = handles[whichGPU];
        cSetDevice (whichGPU, __LINE__); // ADDED LINE

        size_t  arraySize = numRows * numCols;
        size_t  memSizeFxn = arraySize * sizeof(double);
        size_t  memSizeMul = numRows * numRows * sizeof(double);
        double  *mulMatrix, *fxnMatrix, *addMatrix, *resultHold;
        size_t  changeCountH;
        size_t  *changeCount;
        bool    converged = false;

        struct timeval startTV;
        gettimeofday (&startTV, NULL);

        // Allocate device memory
        cMalloc ((void **) &mulMatrix, memSizeMul, "mulMatrix", __LINE__);
        cMalloc ((void **) &fxnMatrix, memSizeFxn, "fxnMatrix", __LINE__);
        cMalloc ((void **) &addMatrix, memSizeFxn, "addMatrix", __LINE__);
        cMalloc ((void **) &resultHold, memSizeFxn, "resultHold", __LINE__);
        cMalloc ((void **) &changeCount, sizeof(size_t), "changeCount", __LINE__);

        // copy host memory to device
        cCopy (mulMatrix, mulMatrixH, memSizeMul, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, "(mulMatrix, mulMatrixH)", __LINE__);
        cCopy (fxnMatrix, fxnMatrixH, memSizeFxn, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, "(fxnMatrix, fxnMatrixH)", __LINE__);
        cCopy (addMatrix, addMatrixH, memSizeFxn, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, "(addMatrix, addMatrixH)", __LINE__);

int     i, numBlocks = (arraySize + 1023) / 1024;

        for (i = 0; i < maxIter; ++i)
                cuBlasMul (handle, resultHold, mulMatrix, fxnMatrix, addMatrix, numRows, numRows, numCols, numRows, __LINE__);
                cudaDeviceSynchronize ();
                swapD(resultHold, fxnMatrix);   // Want fxnMatrix to always hold the final results when we exit
                changeCountH = 0;
                cCopy (changeCount, &changeCountH, sizeof(size_t), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, "(changeCount, changeCountH)", __LINE__);
                compare<1024, double><<< numBlocks, 1024 >>>(fxnMatrix, resultHold, arraySize, epsilon, changeCount);
                cudaDeviceSynchronize ();
                cCopy (&changeCountH, changeCount, sizeof(size_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "(changeCountH, changeCount)", __LINE__);
                if (changeCountH == 0)
                        converged = true;

        struct timeval endTV;
        gettimeofday (&endTV, NULL);
        unsigned long   theStart = (1000000 * startTV.tv_sec) + startTV.tv_usec;
        unsigned long   done = (1000000 * endTV.tv_sec) + endTV.tv_usec;
        printf ("cuBlasMul (double) used %lu microseconds for %d iterations\n", done - theStart, i);

        cCopy (results, fxnMatrix, memSizeFxn, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, "(results, resultHold)", __LINE__);

        cudaFree (mulMatrix);
        cudaFree (fxnMatrix);
        cudaFree (addMatrix);
        cudaFree (resultHold);
        cudaFree (changeCount);

        return converged;

void testMulD (int numRows, int numCols, int maxIter, int whichGPU, int whichRun)
        double  epsilon = (double) 1e-12;
        size_t  arraySize = numRows * numCols;
        size_t  memSizeFxn = arraySize * sizeof(double);
        size_t  memSizeMul = numRows * numRows * sizeof(double);
        double  *mulMatrix, *fxnMatrix, *addMatrix;

        mulMatrix = (double *) malloc (memSizeMul);
        addMatrix = (double *) malloc (memSizeFxn);
        fxnMatrix = (double *) malloc (memSizeFxn);

        for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row)
                double  rowF = row;
                int             pos = row * numCols;    // Row offset

                for (int col = 0; col < numCols; ++col)
                        double  value = rowF + col;

                        addMatrix[pos + col] = fxnMatrix[pos + col] = value;

                pos = row * numRows;    // Row offset

                for (int col = 0; col < numRows; ++col)
                        double  value = rowF + col;

                        mulMatrix[pos + col] = value;

        double  *mulMatrixT, *fxnMatrixT, *addMatrixT, *resultsBLAS;

        mulMatrixT = (double *) malloc (memSizeMul);
        addMatrixT = (double *) malloc (memSizeFxn);
        fxnMatrixT = (double *) malloc (memSizeFxn);
        resultsBLAS = (double *) malloc (memSizeFxn);

        transposeRCHost<double, double> (fxnMatrix, fxnMatrixT, numRows, numCols);
        transposeRCHost<double, double> (addMatrix, addMatrixT, numRows, numCols);
        transposeRCHost<double, double> (mulMatrix, mulMatrixT, numRows, numRows);
        convergeMatrixCuBLASD (fxnMatrixT, mulMatrixT, addMatrixT, resultsBLAS, numRows, numCols, maxIter, whichGPU, epsilon);

        free ((void *) addMatrix);
        free ((void *) addMatrixT);
        free ((void *) fxnMatrix);
        free ((void *) fxnMatrixT);
        free ((void *) mulMatrix);
        free ((void *) mulMatrixT);
        free ((void *) resultsBLAS);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
        int     numRows = 1758;
        int     numCols = 296;
        int     maxIter = 1;
        int     numGPUs = 4;
        int     numRuns = 1;

        initCuda (numGPUs);
        for (int run = 0; run < numRuns; ++run)
                for (int whichGPU = 0; whichGPU < numGPUs; ++whichGPU)
                        testMulD (numRows, numCols, maxIter, whichGPU, run);
$ nvcc -g -G -I/usr/local/cuda/samples/common/inc -o t1632 -lcublas
$ cuda-memcheck ./t1632
cuBlasMul (double) used 115091 microseconds for 1 iterations
cuBlasMul (double) used 121288 microseconds for 1 iterations
cuBlasMul (double) used 113102 microseconds for 1 iterations
cuBlasMul (double) used 113514 microseconds for 1 iterations
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors

In the example above I marked the line I added to attempt to address the above issue with the comment:


I’m not guaranteeing the correctness of your code or that it is defect free. I’m just pointing out what is in my opinion a design defect and indicated how it may be modified to address that design issue. I’m not suggesting your code otherwise has no issues.

That was it. Thank you!