I am working on installing the CUDA Toolkit v.12 on a Dell Precision 6700 laptop with a Quadro K4000M Graphics Card, dual monitors and Ubuntu 22.04 as the OS.
The initial install loaded the most recent graphics driver (525 I believe) which crashed out my second monitor (but seemed to load correctly in any event). The problem with this was that the system no longer recognized the Quadro K4000M graphics card in the machine and would not permit any CUDA programming.
I was able to uninstall the CUDA Toolkit, and reload the NVIDIA driver for the graphics card [NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-418.113.run]. But before proceeding I understand I am unable to install version 12 of the Toolkit again due to legacy hardware.
Which archived version of the CUDA Toolkit will work on my system?
The log file says:
→ Detected 8 CPUs online; setting concurrency level to 8.
WARNING: The NVIDIA Quadro K4000M GPU installed in this system is supported through the NVIDIA 470.xx legacy Linux graphics drivers. Please visit Unix Drivers | NVIDIA for more information. The 525.85.12 NVIDIA Linux graphics driver will ignore this GPU.
WARNING: You do not appear to have an NVIDIA GPU supported by the 525.85.12 NVIDIA Linux graphics driver installed in this system. For further details, please see the appendix SUPPORTED NVIDIA GRAPHICS CHIPS in the README available on the Linux driver download page.
Thanks for any help on this…