question about stdio error code


I am getting a stdio error when running a 64-bit executable compiled with pgf95 for windows. My compiler options are: -tp p7-64 -i8.

My error:
PGFIO/STDIO: Invalid argument
PGFIO-F-/unformatted write/unit=15/error code returned by host stdio - 22.
File name = temp.tmp unformatted, direct access record = 595585
In source file io.f at line number 16.

My question:
Does the error code refer to a problem with large files? Should I use -Mlfs? I thought that was only for linux systems. Is there anything else you can tell me about the error code 22?

Thanks for any clues…

Error ‘22’ probably means EOF was encountered.

You are correct, -Mlfs is for 32-bit linux only.