Yes. Its some thing like /dev/sda1
Ok. Thanks for the info.
OK. To reduce flashing time will use this parameter "–no-systemimg” in future.
Yes. Its some thing like /dev/sda1
Ok. Thanks for the info.
OK. To reduce flashing time will use this parameter "–no-systemimg” in future.
Could you try the topics mentioned to change the boot order
As you can see, we dont see USB SSD listing in the boot order list as shown below, to select it and move it up the boot order
I think we should be adding an entry for /dev/sda1 in “/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf” for USB SSD to appear in boot order list in UEFI. Is it right?
As per the link provided by you, I dont remember whether we were choosing “Boot Manager” or “Boot Maintenance Manager” to selecting the boot order. As we dont have the Orin NX unit now with us currently, cannot cross check this currently.
However, If USB SSD was really getting detected by UEFI , then it should have listed in the
efibootmgr command as shown below right or since it is related to boot maintenance manager menu, this command might not be feasible?
No, the devices listed in UEFI menu is the bootable device.
However, the entry in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf is just the mount point for rootfs.
If USB-SSD is not listed, it means that it is not detected by UEFI.
-e nvme0n1
is not valid for your USB-SSD, you should treat it as a USB Drive.
Please refer to Flashing to a USB Drive to flash.
Yes. We understand this. Any idea, why USB SSD is not able to be detected as boot device, even after we were able to successfully flash the USB Samsung SSD using the below command:
$ sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device sda1 -p “-c ./bootloader/generic/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml” -c ./tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_t234_nvme.xml --showlogs --network usb0 jetson-orin-nano-devkit external
Sorry for the confusion. This thread was raised for a different query ( regarding taking backup and restore of both external nvme and external mmcblk) and we got solution for it.
I was trying ask a different question regarding flashing the Jetson linux on a external USB connected SSD. Let me know, should I open a different thread for this topic.
Could you use the following command instead?
sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device sda1 -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_t234_nvme.xml -p "-c bootloader/generic/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml" --showlogs --network usb0 jetson-orin-nano-devkit internal
Do you have only USB-SSD connected? (i.e. do you also connect a NVMe SSD?)
Okay, sorry for not reading all threads clearly.
It seems the original topic is discussing about backup/restore script.
If you have other issues, we would suggest opening another topic to discuss in details.
Thanks. We dont have the unit setup with us as of now. Whenever we get the unit, we will try to flash using this command.
Yes, we have a flashed NVMe SSD mounted on the carrier board.
Okay, please also check if you can detect the USB-SSD through lsblk
or lsusb
after you boot up from NVMe SSD.
And you can update those results in new topic, thanks.