Regarding the jetson nano module replacement

Dear sir/ madam,

Greetings of the day !!

This is to inform you that, I have purchased Jetson Nano module along with carrier board and heat sink combo from Rarecomponents ( of Rs.20,461/- (Copy of Bill attached herewith) on 20 April 2022.

After receiving the device, We tried to boot the device under the guidance of experts in the similar fields, but its not responding ( Screenshots of during booting attached herewith)

I spoke to the rarecomponents representative and he said that he will replace the components only when you approve my request

so, it is my humble request to you kindly go through my request and do the needful on an urgent basis.

Your quick response will be highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards

There are different models, and instructions to flash differ between models. Flash is quite often mandatory for first boot. Jetsons do have modules which are either an eMMC version (built in storage) or an SD card version (root filesystem on SD card and no eMMC, but the module has QSPI memory used in boot). The first thing is to identify which model you have.

Is there a URL you can post to the exact model you have? If it is a developer kit, then it is easy to support here. If it has a custom carrier board, then it has to use the board support package software designed for that carrier board to flash it.

Most every carrier board will make available a serial console. Usually a 3.3V TTL logic level serial UART set to 115200 8N1, or else using a built-in micro-B USB cable (many Nano models have a micro-B USB connector for popwer, but use separate discrete pins for the UART; some models do have a serial UART simply with the micro-B USB cable). You won’t necessarily need this if flashing is all that is required, but if any kind of diagnosis is required, or if you plan to do any development, then you’ll want serial console access. Knowing which model will help to identify which flash software to use and which serial console cable type to use.

Dear sir

Thanks for your quick reply

I will share some images right now

My device is having Emmc

I will send remaining information tomorrow morning

Please help me out because it is very essential for my research work

An eMMC module will always need a third party carrier board. It’ll be important to know what carrier board it is, and most likely what software support the manufacturer of the carrier board provides. If that carrier board is an exact lane routing match to the development kit carrier board, then the ordinary NVIDIA flash software would be sufficient, but most of the time the manufacturer will provide its own board support package (which would be a different device tree, but otherwise a near match to the developer kit software). So an exact carrier board model number would be very useful.

This is the carrier board image I shared here

This message came but after that nothing happened or no input taking from keyboard

It looks like a developer kit carrier board, but I couldn’t say from the picture. If you have a URL which actually states what model the carrier board is it would help. It might work with ordinary Jetson developer kit software, but I can’t confirm. Whatever web site URL you might be able to provide for an exact ID of the carrier board would help.

The content visible from the attempt to boot does not mean a lot, but if it is going to recovery mode just from powering up, then it probably means this has never been flashed before and a simple flash with the right software would solve the problem. I just don’t know what the right software is without knowing exact details of the carrier board.


I will share the details tomorrow morning

Then we can figure out
Thanks again

If you are seeing that menu at boot, then I would flash the module with SDK Manager from an Ubuntu PC/laptop, and it will update the bootloader.

Thanks for the suggestion actually I am using it for first time so I am unable to do this booting

Still let me try your suggestion

Then only I can share you my feedback

Dear team the model I purchased is b01 P3448

Kindly guide me

What is the carrier board model? Is there a web page which shows the exact product, including specification of the carrier board? The module is standard and easy to deal with, the carrier board is the other half of knowing what to flash. If it is a development kit, then it is easy to work with, but if anything is different for the carrier board, then the flash has to change.

For reference though, you’d flash with the most recent 4.x release of JetPack/SDK Manager from an Ubuntu 18.04 PC:

Hello sir

Here is the link of carrier board from where I purchased it

Please guide me

Please reply to this

Although this is not a dev kit it looks like the carrier board is possibly pin compatible. I did not see any links to special software, but I think you’d have to be a customer to see that content. Most likely you can just flash it with the dev kit software, and if it doesn’t work correctly, no harm.

The eMMC module always ships unflashed, and so it makes sense that all you need to do is flash. You would use the most recent JetPack/SDK Manager in the 4.x release:

For reference, JetPack/SDKM is flash software you run on an Ubuntu 18.04 host PC. L4T is just Ubuntu plus NVIDIA drivers. A version of L4T is what actually gets installed, and is tied to a particular release of JetPack/SDKM. The Nano should use an R32.x L4T release, and thus a JetPack 4.x.

If you get a 5.x release you could start it with:
sdkmanager --archivedversions
(the “--archivedversions” causes older releases to be visible; L4T R34.x is only available with JetPack 5.x, and so to see L4T R32.x from JetPack 5.x you’d have to start it with that option)

If for some reason that does not work with your carrier board, then you can probably flash on command line. Avoid using a VM on the host PC.

hello sir/madam

this is procedure I found for writing os but my device is detecting in host ubuntu system
installation JETSON-NANO-DEV-KIT - Waveshare Wiki.pdf (1.0 MB)

not detecting

I connected the jetson properly as follows