Hi, I’ve been playing around with the render settings for RTX - Interactive (Path Tracing) for a while, as everything that Create generated was terribly “mushy” and flickering. I realised now that this was down to the “Denoising” option. Deactivating this option gives me far nicer results:
This is using 10 “Path Trace samples per pixel (per subframe)” in the “Movie Capture” panel.
However, as you can tell, there is a lot of residual noise on the floor that I can’t seem to get rid of.
I’ve got “Firefly Filtering” active, but touching the “Denoising” option means I either have to crank up the “Blend Factor” too high - meaning I’ll get the same mushy results as before - or if I don’t do it, I end up with noise.
I’ve tried all of the settings it seems, but nothing seems to rectify this issue. Is there anything I’m missing? I really hope that the answer isn’t cranking up the “Path Trace samples per pixel (per subframe)” option, as this is already pretty slow at 10.
Octane Render has an option that allows “clamping” the GI, which gets rid of the same type of noise I’m seeing here. Is there an option to do the same in Create?
Thanks for letting me know :-)