Request for Orin AGX platform technical reference manual

Pls share data sheet or TRM / technical reference manual for Orin AGX Platform

Thank you for sharing, how to get sample applications ?
Though I am trying get these via this link Page Not Found —> encountering error with “No Page found”

could you share the sample applications link where I can get access


Are you saying that you cannot see this page?

Or you are saying that you click the orin TRM link in above page nad it gave you “no page found”?

I just did the same thing but my browser showed the document without issue.

Try this link to Jetson Linux API Reference

Thank you this is working for me.

I have another question since we are waiting on Orin which is showing back order due to high demand usage, can we start development activity without hardware -something emulated device or any other methods by which we can start work until waiting for the Orin to arrive?
Pls advise how can we proceed in this case?


I am not sure what do you actually need here. Just to clarify, “Jetson Linux API Reference” content is not same as technical reference manual.

Your support Jetson Linux API Reference” content and technical reference manual is resolved .

I was asking, which is different question, about the Hardware Orin since we are seeing back order which takes couple of months to arrive until then instead of waiting wanted to do our development activities by using any emulation method(without real hardware) or different ways so that we are not blocked.
Suggest me if your Drive SDK provides such environment.


Please file a new topic for your question if your new one is not related to original topic anymore.

It is not a good idea to use one topic to track your all questions.

Sure and Thanks