Robot oscilation in Isaac Sim

Thank you so much for answering.

I’m using the Isaac 2022.2.1 version now.
And then, When i change the “GPU/CPU Settings” from “shcema based”(default) to “Force CPU”, the robots are still vibrating when it driving.

But now i found something wrong.

In ROS Example (Hospital), I found that when the physics settings were set to default (30) and I followed the link and drove with only collision(Cyliners As Custom Geometry) turned off, it vibrated while driving. But when I turn this on, the robot doesn’t vibrate.
However, When I increase the physics setting to 120, if I do not turn off collision, large vibrations will occur when it is stationary, so I have no choice but to turn it off. However, if I turn this off, the robot will vibrate when driving.

Perhaps turning off collision is one of the reasons why vibration still occurs when driving even when I set the physics setting to 120.

I do not want unintentional vibrations to occur even when stationary or driving.
Is there any way to solve this?

Thank you :)