RTX 4080 compatibility with Anaconda/Tensorflow

I just took delivery of a Lenovo Legion Tower 7i with a GeForce 4080 GPU, running Windows 11. I am trying to run the GPU with Anaconda. The pre-installed version of CUDA is 12.2. When I install tensorflow under Anaconda, it’s version 2.3.0. Per the below table, it appears I need CUDA v10.1, 11.0 or 11.1. Are these compatible with the 4080? I attempted to download and install v10.1 but was unsuccessful.

TensorFlow Version | Compatible CUDA Version(s)

|2.5.0|11.0, 11.1, 11.2|
|2.4.0|11.0, 11.1|
|2.3.0|10.1, 11.0, 11.1|
|2.2.0|10.1, 11.0|
|2.1.0|10.1, 10.2, 11.0|
|2.0.0|10.0, 10.1|

Hi @user91656 ,
Apologies for the delay, This forum talks about issue related to cudnn.
You may get better assistance on CUDA forum.

Thank you.