Hi everyone,
I know that this subject has been extremely discussed in the last few months by the all posts I have read, but I still can’t find any good solution to my problem, which is pretty simple: I can’t get CUDA Visual profiler to work with my own CUDA programs.
I’m working on Linux 64 bits (Fedora Core 8) using as a graphics card a GeForce 8600.
When I use CUDA Visual Profiler with the examples given working with the projects of the SDK, it works just fine, but with mine, it fails and I get the following message :
Error -94 in reading profiler output.
Minimum expected columns (method,gputime,cputime,occupancy) not found in profiler output file.
I’m pretty sure it has something to do with the environment variables CUDA_PROFILE, CUDA_PROFILE_LOG, etc. as written in the CUDA_Profiler_2.0.txt (that I have read carefully) but everything I’ve tried so far to set those variables has failed up to now,
As I have read, I’ve tried running the program from the console writing down “export CUDA_PROFILE=1” before both building and running my program and before launching CUDA Visual Profiler but with no more result than the Error -94.
So the question is simple : What is wrong and what did I miss while I tried to enable my cuda profiler ?
Thx in advance and sorry for this question that will probably seem really green to the majority of the readers,