Running image save in deepstream5 app issue

I try to fix several code from ajayskabadi2012 code and I have an error too.

Here is my code

static GstPadProbeReturn
gie_img_prob_new (GstPad * pad, GstPadProbeInfo * info, gpointer u_data)
    GstBuffer *buf = (GstBuffer *) info->data;
    GstMapInfo inmap = GST_MAP_INFO_INIT;
    NvDsObjEncCtxHandle ctx = (NvDsObjEncCtxHandle) u_data;

    NvBufSurface *ip_surf = (NvBufSurface *);
    gst_buffer_unmap (buf, &inmap);

    NvDsObjectMeta *obj_meta = NULL;
    NvDsMetaList *l_frame = NULL;
    NvDsMetaList *l_obj = NULL;
    NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta = gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta (buf);

    if (!gst_buffer_map (buf, &inmap, GST_MAP_READ)) {
        GST_ERROR ("input buffer mapinfo failed");
        return GST_PAD_PROBE_OK;

    for (l_frame = batch_meta->frame_meta_list; l_frame != NULL;
        l_frame = l_frame->next) {
        NvDsFrameMeta *frame_meta = (NvDsFrameMeta *) (l_frame->data);

        for (l_obj = frame_meta->obj_meta_list; l_obj != NULL; l_obj = l_obj->next) {
            obj_meta = (NvDsObjectMeta *) (l_obj->data);

            /* Conditions that user needs to set to encode the detected objects of
            * interest. Here, by default all the detected objects are encoded.
            * For demonstration, we will encode the first object in the frame */
            if (obj_meta->class_id == 0 || obj_meta->class_id == 2 || obj_meta->class_id == 3 || obj_meta->class_id == 5 || obj_meta->class_id == 7) {
                printf("%d\n", obj_meta->class_id);
                NvDsObjEncUsrArgs userData = { 0 };
                /* To be set by user */
                userData.saveImg = FALSE;
                userData.attachUsrMeta = TRUE;
                /* Preset */
                userData.objNum = 1;
                /*Main Function Call */
                **nvds_obj_enc_process (ctx, &userData, ip_surf, obj_meta, frame_meta);**
    nvds_obj_enc_finish (ctx);

    return GST_PAD_PROBE_OK;

and here is code inside create_common_elements function.

NvDsObjEncCtxHandle obj_ctx_handle = nvds_obj_enc_create_context();
if (!obj_ctx_handle) {
    g_print ("Unable to create context\n");
    return -1;
NVGSTDS_ELEM_ADD_PROBE (pipeline->common_elements.primary_bbox_buffer_probe_id,
        pipeline->common_elements.primary_gie_bin.bin, "src",
        gie_img_prob_new, GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_BUFFER,

Other code works very well but when it refer to ‘ctx’, it cause segmentation fault.

The codes you post seem OK. But in Running image save in deepstream5 app issue - #7 by 1017oscar codes, there are two different probe functions with the same element’s same pad, have you fixed the error?

Thanks for your review

I just use ds-exalple to save cropped image.