SDK for Jetson Xavier AGX

What is the latest version and what is it called?
Want to use the latest software development kit for SDK Jetson Xavier AGX.

Is this it:

DeepStream 4.0.1 for Jetson
This release supports Jetson TX1, TX2, Nano and AGX Xavier.
Prerequisite: DeepStream SDK 4.0.1 requires the installation of JetPack 4.2.2.

The latest version of JetPack is JetPack 4.3 (see here)

The latest version of DeepStream SDK is 4.0.2, which you can download from here or have SDK Manager tool install it for you on top of JetPack 4.3.

I’m new to the Xavier AGX Jetson series and NVIDIA in general.

The Jetpack 4.3 software is the software used for software developers, ie and SDK?

SDK Manager, is a tool to download/install software onto the XAVIER AGX Jetsons


Hi Dave, that’s correct. SDK Manager is the tool used to download/flash JetPack to your Jetson device.

JetPack is the SDK used to build accelerated applications, and it includes the Linux4Tegra (L4T) kernel, CUDA Toolkit, cuDNN, TensorRT, OpenCV, VisionWorks, Multimedia/Camera APIs, and additional profiling/debugging tools.

DeepStream is an SDK installed on top of JetPack for multi-stream video analytics.