Hi all
I executed ‘sudo shutdown - P 0’ on the terminal to shutdown, but why is the SHUTDOWN.REQ * (233) pin still high and not pulled down after shutting down.
I used to be able to use SDK 35.5, but now switching to SDK 36.3 won’t work.
Hi all
I executed ‘sudo shutdown - P 0’ on the terminal to shutdown, but why is the SHUTDOWN.REQ * (233) pin still high and not pulled down after shutting down.
I used to be able to use SDK 35.5, but now switching to SDK 36.3 won’t work.
Is it devkit or your custom board? If latter, can it be repro on devkit?
We are using a custom board. We also tested it on the devkit, but it doesn’t work either; the level remains high after shutdown. However, when I switched to SDK 36.4, it works, and the level goes low after shutdown.
Could you test rel-35.6?
Hi, WayneWWW
This is quite troublesome. I tested sdk35.5, sdk36.3, and sdk36.4, but sdk36.3 alone is not working
Then please try rel-36.4 directly. Sounds a problem that is already resolved on rel36.4
Hi WayneWWW
But we mainly use SDK 36.3 now and need to maintain this version
Hi WayneWWW
hello, I have tried unpacking sdk36.3 without any modifications, but after burning it in and executing “shutdown - P 0”, the pins still did not pulled down. Can you help me solve this problem.
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence, we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.
Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared?