Simple render USD scene to PNG

One Line Summary: Thank you. I am still unable to render a frame and need a little more help.

With Kit version 100.1
I did not find a “Rendering Service” extension.
But, I was able to find extensions:

    And enable them.

Next Omniverse doesn’t ship with requests module. So, a simple command line: pip install requests did the trick.

Cleaning up whitespace and tabs and I got to:
404 error
Then I changed to the port my nucleus port and got 405 error.

Then I realized I was conflating your instructions. And, I was convinced that there must be a rendering service.

Sure enough… …found rendering service in Create’s extensions list.
I tried your instructions for the frame running in ScriptEditor from Create.
AFAIK executes without error and no frame appears to be rendered.

Reran a few times… I see an error:
“Task exception was never retreived
future: <Task finished coro…”

(Doesn’t appear to be a way to copy and paste from Script Editor output. This is officially a feature request.)