SoC temp monitor for Orin NX

Hi NV team,

for command: cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp,here thermal_zone*=thermal_zone0~thermal_zone8, which one is for SoC temp, lets saySoC Tj (junction temperature)? and the pop data means current temperature data in ℃ or have any calculation for real temperature.

BTW, there no thermal_zone* means from 《Jetson_Orin_NX_Series_Orin_Nano_Series_Thermal_Design_Guide_TDG-11127-001_v1.1.pdf》.


Please refer to this topic: More detailed thermal zone descriptions on TX2

Hi NV team

for below two item, what is the meaning of BCPU and MCPU?
0: BCPU-therm
1: MCPU-therm


That is for TX2. For Orin, please refer to Jetson Orin NX Series and Jetson AGX Orin Series — Jetson Linux<br/>Developer Guide 34.1 documentation

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