Hi all,
I have some questions about the temperature inside the Jetson Xavier NX board.
To get the temperature value, I simply read the value stored in the file /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone<X>/temp
in a C++ code.
The goal is to have a trace of the board’s state, with the temperature, the CPU/GPU usage…
I have two questions :
Wich hardware part is corresponding to the temperature zones 0 to 5
Why is the temperature zone 4 always at the same value (100000)
Matteo Luci
Hi @matteoluci81
You can get the corresponding hardware zones by using:
cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone<X>/type
You may get something similar to this:
0: BCPU-therm
1: MCPU-therm
2: GPU-therm
3: PLL-therm
4: AO-therm
5: Tboard_tegra
6: Tdiode_tegra
7: PMIC-Die
8: thermal-fan-est
The types written above are for TX2.
With respect to the second question, it may be that the temperature is not valid. For example, in the jetson-stats
project, they remove the PMIC temperature from the reports:
if nvjpg_data:
data['engines']['NVJPG'] = nvjpg_data['rate'] if nvjpg_data['status'] else {}
# -- Power --
# Refactor names
power = {k.replace("VDD_", "").replace("POM_", "").replace("_", " "): v for k, v in tegrastats['WATT'].items()}
total, power = self._total_power(power)
data['power'] = {'all': total, 'power': power}
# -- Temperature --
# Remove PMIC temperature
if 'PMIC' in tegrastats['TEMP']:
del tegrastats['TEMP']['PMIC']
data['temperature'] = tegrastats['TEMP']
# -- CPU --
data['cpu'] = tegrastats['CPU']
# Update data from jetson_clocks show
if 'CPU' in jetson_clocks_show:
for name, v in tegrastats['CPU'].items():
# Extract jc_cpu info
jc_cpu = jetson_clocks_show['CPU'].get(name, {})
# Remove current frequency
del jc_cpu['current_freq']
A bit of additional info about PMIC Die temperature meaning here .
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