August 9, 2013, 7:05am
Why cannot NVIDIA users enforce the lowest performance level/maximum power savings on the desktop ?
When I had a 8800GT GPU I simply used nvclock to power down my GPU:
nvidia-settings -a GPUOverclockingState=1 -a GPU2DClockFreqs=165,237 -a GPU3DClockFreqs=165,237
or with older drivers:
nvclock -f -m 200 -n 150
and it worked beautifully.
With Kepler overclocking is no more and we are allowed only three power unfriendly modes: Auto, Adaptive and Maximum Performance.
Please, allow us to have and use “Maximum power saving” mode on the desktop.
August 11, 2013, 10:13am
This issue is also discussed here - no resolution though.
August 11, 2013, 10:27am
I’ve found a solution , hooray!!
Nvidia settings panel has a tab called powermizer where you can set a power policy. It will change Graphics Clock, Memory Clock and Processor Clock depending on the system graphics load.
First get what modes do your card and driver support:
nvidia-settings -q GPUPerfModes -t
perf=0, nvclock=50, memclock=135, processorclock=101 ; perf=1, nvclock=405, memclock=324, processorclock=810 ; perf=2, nvclock=405,
memclock=1800, processorclock=810 ; perf=3, nvclock=715, memclock=1800, processorclock=1430
I have 4 levels, 0, 1, 2 and 3. 0 is the one I want to set as it sets the clocks to the lower frequency.
If you want to set it to a powersave mode with no scaling you can do it by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf like this:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
Option "Coolbits" "1"
Option "RegistryDwords" "PowerMizerEnable=0x1; PerfLevelSrc=0x2222; PowerMizerLevel=0x3; PowerMizerDefault=0x3; PowerMizerDefaultAC=0x3"
enables PowerMizer feature (0Ă—0 would disable it instead). This entry may not be needed since in recent driver versions PowerMizer is enabled by default.
sets the governor approach. 0Ă—2222 means fixed frequencies for both battery and AC mode.
sets the current mode. 0Ă—3 is the lowest, least power intensive mode.
sets the default level on battery. 0Ă—3 is the lowest, least power intensive mode.
sets the default level while with an AC plug. 0Ă—3 is the lowest, least power intensive mode.
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These features are no longer available on driver versions 340 and 346 – tested on FreeBSD. It seems like the driver no longer recognizes RegistryDWords…
Works fine for me, but with: Option “Coolbits” “13”
nvidia-settings -q GPUPerfModes -t
perf=0, nvclock=590, nvclockmin=590, nvclockmax=590, nvclockeditable=0,
memclock=600, memclockmin=600, memclockmax=600, memclockeditable=0,
memTransferRate=1200, memTransferRatemin=1200, memTransferRatemax=1200,
memTransferRateeditable=0, processorclock=1405, processorclockmin=1405,
processorclockmax=1405, processorclockeditable=0
perf=0, nvclock=590, nvclockmin=590, nvclockmax=590, nvclockeditable=0,
memclock=600, memclockmin=600, memclockmax=600, memclockeditable=0,
memTransferRate=1200, memTransferRatemin=1200, memTransferRatemax=1200,
memTransferRateeditable=0, processorclock=1405, processorclockmin=1405,
processorclockmax=1405, processorclockeditable=0
only one performance mode , i am using 340.65 driver( patched version ) (G210) under Kernel 3.19 .
I am still waiting for a new update .
August 20, 2020, 11:08pm
An update from 2020. Some users may now require a kernel module option instead of an option.
cat /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf
options nvidia NVreg_RegistryDwords="OverrideMaxPerf=0x1"
options nvidia NVreg_RegistryDwords=“OverrideMaxPerf=0x1”
This is a working solution for me. Thanks for sharing.
hardware: macbook pro 15 2009 with nvidia 9400m
software: pop os 21.04, kernel 5.11, nvidia-340
performance level be fixed at level 0, temperature seems lower.