Could anyone tell me if dlib-gpu can work on jetson nano?
Firstly, I wanted to download CUDA10.1. But it was not compatible with ARM.
Then, I wanted to installed jetpack. Unfortunately, I still got AMD version. BTW, I read someone installed AMD version on nano successfully. So I confused about that.
I don’t have any idea about jetpack and even don’t know dlib-gpu can work or not. Becasue I read a post said that there were some problem with nano’s gpu. But that post was opend in 2020. Therefore, I haven’t known this problem was fixed yet.
The dlib-gpu migth be not supported, need to confirm.
Does that mean we just can use dlib-cpu on Nano?
Could you tell me how to install jetpack successfully?
We have confirmed that dlib-19.21 is working on the Jetson.
For other versions, you should be able to compile it in a similar way.
Thank you very much~
So I should install jetpack first then following these steps, right?
Or when I finalize these steps, I’ll install cuda and cudnn in the same time?
The steps only compile and install dlib library.
Please install JetPack components first.
Yes, thank you.
But I can install JetPack very well these days
So I would like to ask you if ypu have any recommand websites or steps can share me?
After you install all the JetPack components, please build dlib with the following instructions:
sorry my mistake. I meant the steps about jetpack.
Below is the JetPack document.
For Jetson Nano, the latest software version should be 4.6.2:
I found this page about jetpack4.2
I think that’s a easy way to install jetpack(download sd card image with jetpack4.2) but I’m not sure the version is compatible with dlib19.21
I also see 4.6version can be installed by this way. I’ll try it
Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared? Thanks
The problem was fixed! Thank you very much.
I downloaded jetpack 4.6 version and installed dlib-gpu 19.21 successfully.
Glad to know issue fixed, thanks for the confirmation.
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