Tegrastats missing information when run inside a container

I’m trying to run tegrastats inside a container, but some info are missing. Here is what I obtain when running on host:

10-30-2024 17:57:06 RAM 10526/15656MB (lfb 2x4MB) CPU [43%@1984,43%@1984,40%@1984,44%@1984,38%@1344,47%@1344,41%@1344,44%@1344] GR3D_FREQ 80% cv0@64.781C cpu@66.968C soc2@65.343C soc0@65.718C cv1@66.375C gpu@64.375C tj@67.093C soc1@67.093C cv2@64.968C VDD_IN 11826mW/11015mW VDD_CPU_GPU_CV 5440mW/4716mW VDD_SOC 2135mW/2128mW

And inside the container:

10-30-2024 17:57:06 RAM 10526/15656MB (lfb 2x4MB) CPU [40%@1574,42%@1574,42%@1574,44%@1574,45%@1984,48%@1984,39%@1984,42%@1984] EMC_FREQ 0%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 0%@[0] NVENC1 off NVDEC1 off APE 174 cv0@65C cpu@67.187C soc2@65.375C soc0@65.531C cv1@66.562C gpu@64.25C tj@67.187C soc1@66.937C cv2@64.937C VDD_IN 11984mW/11766mW VDD_CPU_GPU_CV 5598mW/5420mW VDD_SOC 2135mW/2135mW

I’m running the container as privileged and here are the volumes that I mount inside:


It just seems that there are missing volumes to mount, but can’t figure out which.



Could you help to point out which info is missing inside the container?
The logs that you shared with us seem to capture the same info.


My bad. I updated the output.

The EMC_FREQ & GR3D_FREQ are always 0 inside the container.


GPU loading info is captured from the below node:


Could you try to mount the node to see if you can get the expected tegrastats output inside the container?
