I’m trying to run tegrastats inside a container, but some info are missing. Here is what I obtain when running on host:
10-30-2024 17:57:06 RAM 10526/15656MB (lfb 2x4MB) CPU [43%@1984,43%@1984,40%@1984,44%@1984,38%@1344,47%@1344,41%@1344,44%@1344] GR3D_FREQ 80% cv0@64.781C cpu@66.968C soc2@65.343C soc0@65.718C cv1@66.375C gpu@64.375C tj@67.093C soc1@67.093C cv2@64.968C VDD_IN 11826mW/11015mW VDD_CPU_GPU_CV 5440mW/4716mW VDD_SOC 2135mW/2128mW
And inside the container:
10-30-2024 17:57:06 RAM 10526/15656MB (lfb 2x4MB) CPU [40%@1574,42%@1574,42%@1574,44%@1574,45%@1984,48%@1984,39%@1984,42%@1984] EMC_FREQ 0%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 0%@[0] NVENC1 off NVDEC1 off APE 174 cv0@65C cpu@67.187C soc2@65.375C soc0@65.531C cv1@66.562C gpu@64.25C tj@67.187C soc1@66.937C cv2@64.937C VDD_IN 11984mW/11766mW VDD_CPU_GPU_CV 5598mW/5420mW VDD_SOC 2135mW/2135mW
I’m running the container as privileged and here are the volumes that I mount inside:
It just seems that there are missing volumes to mount, but can’t figure out which.