I am trying to optimize pva-faster-rcnn using tensorrt. pva-faster-rcnn is similar to faster-rcnn except some extra layers. I have tried using sampleFasterRcnn plugin for that and i have changed the parameters accordingly. I have also modified the prototxt similar to that to fasterRcnnIplugin.prototxt. But i am getting segmentation fault. Kindly help me in this. I have compared both the prototxt of fasterrcnn and pva-faster-rcnn, i have made modifications according to fsater-rcnn to inlcude plugin module. Thanks.
Hello, can you provide details on the platforms you are using?
Linux distro and version
GPU type
nvidia driver version
CUDA version
CUDNN version
Python version [if using python]
Tensorflow version
TensorRT version
Ubuntu 16.04
GeForce GTX 1080
nvidia Driver Version: 396.37
Not using python, i am using c++.
Not tensorflow, i am using caffe.
TensorRT -
Thread 1 “sample_fasterRC” received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff1cee410 in parseInnerProduct(nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition&, ditcaffe::LayerParameter const&, CaffeWeightFactory&, BlobNameToTensor&) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvparsers.so.4.1.2
(gdb) "
I meet this issue recently, the platform and library version as the same as k.sambasivarao13
Did you slove this issue? Could you provide resolution about use tensorRT on pva-faster-rcnn?