We have buy a used server, a Dell R7525 with 2 nVidia Tesla P40
The server will run esxi, vsphere essential with Windows 2022 as Remote Desktop Session Host.
Do I need grid license ?
Or simply configure Telsa P40 as passthrough device an link them to the Windows 2022 VM ?
Does Windows 2022 can use both P40 or need to create 2 Windows 2022 VM and associate one P40 to each VM ?
You will need vApps licensing no matter if you use vGPU or PT as you require the vGPU driver for this.
You could assign both GPUs to a single VM which makes no sense. Please use 2 VMs and assign 1 GPU each
If we install Windows 2022 with Hyper-V with the DDA feature, does it will work like ESXi and the passthroug ?
(we are out of esxi licence, but have some Windows 2022 avalaible)