Trouble getting Camera data

Isaac Sim Version


Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04

GPU Information

NVIDIA CUDA 12.2 Driver Version 535.183.01

Topic Description

Detailed Description

I am working on a simulation using Isaac Sim, ROS2, and (hopefully) Zed cameras. When I upload my Zed USD and initialize it as a Camera, everything runs smoothly and works as expected in the GUI. However, when I try to print .get_rgb() and .get_depth() to obtain data, I get and None, respectively.

Steps to Reproduce

In a class called ControllerRobot:

def setup_zed_camera(self):
    zed_prim_path = "/World/ZED_X"
    stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()


    left_camera_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(f"{zed_prim_path}/base_link/ZED_X/CameraLeft")
    right_camera_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(f"{zed_prim_path}/base_link/ZED_X/CameraRight")
    if not left_camera_prim.IsValid() or not right_camera_prim.IsValid():
        raise Exception("Could not find CameraLeft or CameraRight prims within the ZED_X model")
    orientation = euler_to_quaternion(0, 0, 0)
    orientation_array = np.array([orientation.GetReal(), orientation.GetImaginary()[0], orientation.GetImaginary()[1], orientation.GetImaginary()[2]])
    self.zed_camera_left = Camera(
        position=np.array([0, 0, 1]),  
        resolution=(1280, 720)
    self.zed_camera_right = Camera(
        position=np.array([0, 0, 1]), 
        resolution=(1280, 720)

def get_zed_data(self):
    if self.zed_camera_left is not None and self.zed_camera_right is not None:
            left_rgb = self.zed_camera_left.get_rgb()
            left_depth = self.zed_camera_left.get_depth()
            right_rgb = self.zed_camera_right.get_rgb()
            right_depth = self.zed_camera_right.get_depth()
            return left_rgb, left_depth, right_rgb, right_depth
        except Exception as e:
    return None, None, None, None

And then in main:

def main(args=None):
controller_robot = ControllerRobot()

    while simulation_app.is_running():
        rgb_data, depth_data, left_data, right_data = controller_robot.get_zed_data()


Error Messages

No error messages, everything runs smoothly! I do get this warning though: WARNING: Annotator ā€˜distance_to_image_planeā€™ contains no data. Returning None

Additional Information

What Iā€™ve Tried

Iā€™ve tried using simpler cameras and printing their data, but I get and None from them as well. Iā€™ve tried the suggestion from the forum below but also nothing.

Related Issues

Additional Context

I havenā€™t been able to get collisions working with my robot and the background in the 2023.1.1 version, so Iā€™m wondering if the cameras just arenā€™t ā€œseeingā€ any obstacles?

Please upgrade to the latest version, Isaac Sim 4.2.0, and refer to scripts located at ~/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/standalone_examples/api/omni.isaac.sensor/.

1 Like

Thank you for the suggestion!

I have switched to 4.2.0, but am still experiencing the same issues with the .get_rgb() and .get_depth() functions. I am trying to use this data for rtab mapping, so I am looking for topics like /zed2/left/image_rect_color, zed2/left/depth/depth_registered, and /zed2/left/camera_info, not the 2D and 3D points in the standalone examples. Are these the correct functions to use for this version, or are there other similar ones I could use to get the same information?

Thanks again for your help!

Iā€™m not sure if Isaac Sim Examples ā€” isaac_ros_docs documentation will be a good reference for your use case.

BTW, please note that Isaac ROS was last validated with Isaac Sim 4.0.0


Thank you for the idea! I have installed version 4.0.0 and Isaac ROS Common and am now able to see my camerasā€™ topics in the Isaac ROS Docker container, but I can tell by my print statements that I am still not publishing any camera data. I need help specifically finding a function that will return camera info, rgb data, and depth data.

Please let me know if you have any more ideas! Thanks in advance.

Please check if ROS 2 Domain ID Collision is helpful.

Hi @kalena.mccloskey

Have you been able to get camera data (sim data) out to use for further CV purposes?

Hi @shakeelsindhu,

Yes, I was able to connect the ZED SDK and thus see the published data directly through the ZED topics. Turns out I was way over complicating things by trying to obtain the data myself!

Has this issue been resolved? Were you trying to obtain data from a physical ZED camera?

No just a sim ZED camera, I was able to connect the ZED SDK through action graphs to get the topics so yes the issue has been resolved! Thank you for your help!