ROS2 Publish Camera Info Omnigraph Node Crash

While using the Isaac Sim Omnigraph ROS2 Publish Camera Info we are experiencing consistent crashes of Isaac Sim.

System and Software Information:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 Kernel
  • Isaac Sim Version 4.1.0
  • ROS2 Version: Humble (Source Installed local version tested, as well as Isaac internal libraries, vision_msgs are installed)

Note: The RO2 Publish Camera Info node works correctly in Isaac Sim Version 2023.1.1.

Let us know if any additional software information is necessary to diagnose this issue.

We were trying to use the ROS2 Camera Info Helper initially, but it was incorrectly broadcasting the parameters of the camera, so we looked to the alternative of the ROS2 Publish Camera Info node. However, this node is giving us trouble as subscribing to the topic published by it causes Isaac Sim to abruptly crash. The crash log was investigated, but it did not provide any useful information to solve the issue. It can be provided if it would be helpful.

Instructions to re-create error:

  1. Begin a new scene in Isaac Sim.
  2. Add a camera primitive to the world
  3. Add a new action graph to the world
  4. Create this graph:
  5. In the “Isaac Create Render Product” Node, select the created camera primitive as the camera prim.
  6. Leave the rest of the nodes in default state
  7. In the scene, create a camera.
  8. Start the simulation
  9. In a separate terminal, run ros2 topic echo /camera_info
  10. Isaac Sim crashes for us at this point.

Please let us know if you are able to reproduce this error. If so, please let us know if there is a solution to it. Also let us know if there is any additional information needed to help diagnose or re-create the error.

Thank you.

Here follows the Crash Log:

kit_20240923_121638.log (1.2 MB)

Information about the System:

| Driver Version: 550.54.15     | Graphics API: Vulkan
| GPU | Name                             | Active | LDA | GPU Memory | Vendor-ID | LUID       |
|     |                                  |        |     |            | Device-ID | UUID       |
|     |                                  |        |     |            | Bus-ID    |            |
| 0   | NVIDIA RTX A5500                 | Yes: 0 |     | 24810   MB | 10de      | 0          |
|     |                                  |        |     |            | 2233      | 66e6e361.. |
|     |                                  |        |     |            | 1         |            |
| 1   | Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770 (ADL.. |        |     | 47986   MB | 8086      | 0          |
|     |                                  |        |     |            | 4680      | 86808046.. |
|     |                                  |        |     |            | 0         |            |
| OS: 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) ubuntu, Version: 22.04.4, Kernel: 6.5.0-44-generic
| XServer Vendor: The X.Org Foundation, XServer Version: 12101004 (
| Processor: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900 | Cores: 16 | Logical: 32
| Total Memory (MB): 63981 | Free Memory: 56062
| Total Page/Swap (MB): 2047 | Free Page/Swap: 2047

I think this is probably a Bug or misconfiguration, I wonder if this works fine with Nitros and the IsaacROS demo packages

Isaac Sim 4.2.0 just released. Do you experience the same issue with 4.2.0?


Thank you for the response. Yes, we tested it with Isaac Sim 4.2.0 and received the same crashing behavior.

However, we have found a workaround for the time being using ROS2 Camera Helper node (not ROS2 Camera Info Helper node) and selecting the camera_info “Type”.

The issue with the original node still persists and should probably be investigated further.

Thanks for bringing this issue up. I am able to replicate it. Let me reach out to our internal team for more investigation.

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