I have run my onnx model successfully using
./trtexec --onnx=/home/nvidia/APA_FS_Model.onnx --explicitBatch --verbose
[02/19/2021-11:22:18] [I] Starting inference threads
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] Warmup completed 0 queries over 200 ms
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] Timing trace has 0 queries over 3.00517 s
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] Trace averages of 10 runs:
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] Host Latency
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] min: 1.92184 ms (end to end 1.92749 ms)
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] max: 1.99609 ms (end to end 2.00391 ms)
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] mean: 1.96004 ms (end to end 1.96797 ms)
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] median: 1.9613 ms (end to end 1.96899 ms)
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] percentile: 1.98669 ms at 99% (end to end 1.99561 ms at 99%)
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] throughput: 0 qps
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] walltime: 3.00517 s
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] Enqueue Time
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] min: 0.672119 ms
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] max: 1.63806 ms
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] median: 0.804443 ms
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] GPU Compute
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] min: 1.83517 ms
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] max: 1.90869 ms
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] mean: 1.87262 ms
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] median: 1.87378 ms
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] percentile: 1.89844 ms at 99%
[02/19/2021-11:22:21] [I] total compute time: 2.85949 s
What’s the difference between GPU Compute and Enqueue time ?
Which term is the running time for model execution?
Then I tried to use DLA to run trtexec using my onnx model with command below:
./trtexec --onnx=/home/nvidia/APA_FS_Model.onnx --explicitBatch --verbose --useDLACore=0 --allowGPUFallback --workspace=2048
It gives message :
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer (Unnamed Layer* 0) [Constant] is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle] is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Conv_26: DLA only supports prePadding < kernelSize. Detected: [4,4] < [3,3].
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Conv_26: DLA only supports postPadding < kernelSize. Detected: [4,4] < [3,3].
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer Conv_26 is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Conv_34: DLA only supports prePadding < kernelSize. Detected: [4,4] < [3,3].
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Conv_34: DLA only supports postPadding < kernelSize. Detected: [4,4] < [3,3].
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer Conv_34 is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] ConvTranspose_49: DLA cores do not support more than 1 groups.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer ConvTranspose_49 is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] ConvTranspose_57: DLA cores do not support more than 1 groups.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer ConvTranspose_57 is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] ConvTranspose_60: DLA cores do not support more than 1 groups.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Default DLA is enabled but layer ConvTranspose_60 is not supported on DLA, falling back to GPU.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] Applying generic optimizations to the graph for inference.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] Original: 62 layers
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] After dead-layer removal: 62 layers
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] DLA allows only same dimensions inputs to Elementwise.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [W] [TRT] Internal DLA error for layer Add_1. Switching to GPU fallback.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] After DLA optimization: 13 layers
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] Fusing (Unnamed Layer* 0) [Constant] with (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle]
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] After Myelin optimization: 12 layers
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] Fusing (Unnamed Layer* 0) [Constant] + (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle] with Add_1
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] After scale fusion: 11 layers
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] After vertical fusions: 11 layers
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] After final dead-layer removal: 11 layers
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] After tensor merging: 11 layers
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] After concat removal: 11 layers
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [V] [TRT] Graph construction and optimization completed in 0.0485818 seconds.
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [I] [TRT]
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [I] [TRT] --------------- Layers running on DLA:
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [I] [TRT] {Conv_2,Relu_3,Conv_4,Relu_5,Conv_6,Conv_7,Relu_8,Add_9,Conv_10,Relu_11,Conv_12,Conv_13,Relu_14,Add_15,Conv_16,Relu_17,Conv_18,Relu_19,Conv_20,Relu_21,Add_22,Conv_23,Relu_24,Add_25,Add_41,Add_42,Conv_50,Relu_51}, {Relu_27,Conv_28,Relu_29,Add_30,Conv_31,Relu_32,Add_33,Add_43,Add_44}, {Relu_35,Conv_36,Relu_37,Add_38,Conv_39,Relu_40,Add_45,Add_46,Conv_47,Relu_48}, {Add_52,Conv_53,Relu_54,Conv_55,Relu_56}, {Conv_58,Relu_59},
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [I] [TRT] --------------- Layers running on GPU:
[02/19/2021-11:10:13] [I] [TRT] (Unnamed Layer* 0) [Constant] + (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle] + Add_1, Conv_26, Conv_34, ConvTranspose_49, ConvTranspose_57, ConvTranspose_60,
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Constructing optimization profile number 0 [1/1].
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.084996
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.124564
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.084996
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.90214
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.064912
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.064912
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.11668
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.083608
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.083608
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Float(1,256,49152,147456) → Float(1,256,49152,147456) ***************
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Unnamed Layer* 0) [Constant] + (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle] + Add_1 (Scale)
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.058492
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.058492
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Half(1,256,49152,147456) → Half(1,256,49152,147456) ***************
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Unnamed Layer* 0) [Constant] + (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle] + Add_1 (Scale)
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.04428
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.04428
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Half(1,256,49152:2,98304) → Half(1,256,49152:2,98304) ***************
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Unnamed Layer* 0) [Constant] + (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle] + Add_1 (Scale)
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.049664
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.049664
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Half(1,256,1:8,49152) → Half(1,256,1:8,49152) ***************
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Unnamed Layer* 0) [Constant] + (Unnamed Layer* 1) [Shuffle] + Add_1 (Scale)
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.087672
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.087672
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.0699
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.12094
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.0699
[02/19/2021-11:10:15] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.913276
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.060428
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.060428
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.10758
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.08
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.08
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.10501
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.079872
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.079872
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.90982
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.951668
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.90982
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.072056
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.102384
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.072056
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.911372
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.058892
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.058892
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.10722
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.079364
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.079364
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.11476
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.080028
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.080028
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.91096
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.941792
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.91096
[02/19/2021-11:10:16] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.195576
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.050164
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.050164
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.197008
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.041996
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.041996
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.10823
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.102376
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.102376
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.11014
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.057864
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.057864
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.910964
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.944124
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.910964
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.213516
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.060156
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.060156
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.212868
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.050828
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.050828
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.10364
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.053248
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.053248
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.90702
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.101624
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.101624
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.905732
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 1.00557
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.905732
[02/19/2021-11:10:17] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.11129
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.08026
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.08026
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.916348
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.953356
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.916348
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.11206
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.079496
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.079496
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.9248
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.940924
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.9248
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 1.11117
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.103452
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.103452
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.916328
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.944916
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.916328
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.904968
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.966268
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.904968
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.352272
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.040588
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.040588
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.351812
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.391624
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 1002 Time: 0.351812
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: (Reformat)
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 1002 time 0.351968
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 0 time 0.041632
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: 0 Time: 0.041632
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Half(1,256,1:4,49152) → Half(1,32,768:16,3072), Half(1,32,768:16,3072), Half(1,64,3072:16,9216) ***************
[02/19/2021-11:10:18] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {Conv_2,Relu_3,Conv_4,Relu_5,Conv_6,Conv_7,Relu_8,Add_9,Conv_10,Relu_11,Conv_12,Conv_13,Relu_14,Add_15,Conv_16,Relu_17,Conv_18,Relu_19,Conv_20,Relu_21,Add_22,Conv_23,Relu_24,Add_25,Add_41,Add_42,Conv_50,Relu_51} (DLA)
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [W] [TRT] DLA Node compilation Failed.
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 549596028979 skipped. ProcessNode failure.
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: -3360065831133338131 Time: 3.40282e+38
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [V] [TRT] *************** Autotuning format combination: Half(1,256,49152:16,49152) → Half(1,32,768:16,3072), Half(1,32,768:16,3072), Half(1,64,3072:16,9216) ***************
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [V] [TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: {Conv_2,Relu_3,Conv_4,Relu_5,Conv_6,Conv_7,Relu_8,Add_9,Conv_10,Relu_11,Conv_12,Conv_13,Relu_14,Add_15,Conv_16,Relu_17,Conv_18,Relu_19,Conv_20,Relu_21,Add_22,Conv_23,Relu_24,Add_25,Add_41,Add_42,Conv_50,Relu_51} (DLA)
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [W] [TRT] DLA Node compilation Failed.
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [V] [TRT] Tactic: 549596028979 skipped. ProcessNode failure.
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [V] [TRT] Fastest Tactic: -3360065831133338131 Time: 3.40282e+38
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [E] [TRT] Try increasing the workspace size with IBuilderConfig::setMaxWorkspaceSize() if using IBuilder::buildEngineWithConfig, or IBuilder::setMaxWorkspaceSize() if using IBuilder::buildCudaEngine.
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [E] [TRT] …/builder/tacticOptimizer.cpp (1715) - TRTInternal Error in computeCosts: 0 (Could not find any implementation for node {Conv_2,Relu_3,Conv_4,Relu_5,Conv_6,Conv_7,Relu_8,Add_9,Conv_10,Relu_11,Conv_12,Conv_13,Relu_14,Add_15,Conv_16,Relu_17,Conv_18,Relu_19,Conv_20,Relu_21,Add_22,Conv_23,Relu_24,Add_25,Add_41,Add_42,Conv_50,Relu_51}.)
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [V] [TRT] Builder timing cache: created 33 entries, 0 hit(s)
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [E] [TRT] …/builder/tacticOptimizer.cpp (1715) - TRTInternal Error in computeCosts: 0 (Could not find any implementation for node {Conv_2,Relu_3,Conv_4,Relu_5,Conv_6,Conv_7,Relu_8,Add_9,Conv_10,Relu_11,Conv_12,Conv_13,Relu_14,Add_15,Conv_16,Relu_17,Conv_18,Relu_19,Conv_20,Relu_21,Add_22,Conv_23,Relu_24,Add_25,Add_41,Add_42,Conv_50,Relu_51}.)
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [E] Engine creation failed
[02/19/2021-11:10:19] [E] Engine set up failed
How do I solve this problem?
TensorRT Version : 7.1.3
GPU Type : Xavier
Nvidia Driver Version : Package:nvidia-jetpack, Version: 4.4.1-b50
CUDA Version : 10.2.89
CUDNN Version : 8.0.0
Operating System + Version : Ubuntu 18.04
Python Version (if applicable) :
TensorFlow Version (if applicable) :
PyTorch Version (if applicable) :
Baremetal or Container (if container which image + tag) :
Relevant Files
Please attach or include links to any models, data, files, or scripts necessary to reproduce your issue. (Github repo, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)
Steps To Reproduce
Please include:
- Exact steps/commands to build your repro
- Exact steps/commands to run your repro
- Full traceback of errors encountered