I am tring to install Edimax EW-7822ULC on Jetson Nano and having a hard time. I’ve tried following many articles on internet including that on NVIDIA and Edimax and unable to get it working. Everytime it fails on compliting or something else while the manufacturer suggest they support Linux Kernels from 2.x to 4.15.
Please share any insights as most drivers available are for Kernel below or above 4.9 and how to install this adapter.
I’ve received following information from Edimax and they suggest NVIDIA needs to allow Kernel Header updates.
“If I ain’t mistaken, the problem is not on the driver but your Ubuntu OS on Nvidia Jetson Nano. Ubuntu on Jetson using a custom kernel that the headers files cannot be found on Ubuntu’s repositories. You need to contact Nvidia to find out where to download and install the kernel headers. Without it, you can never compile any device drivers or programs.”
I need help and will appreciate if someone can reply…its frustrating that a 5x more expensive card than Pi does not support basic things.
Not really, there was no help and figured the distribution that comes with Nano does not support and Edimax pretty much said NVIDIA has locked the version of Linux on Nano so they cant do anything. Long story short… Edimax cant do anything, NVIDIA wont do anything and i had to buy 2.4 GHz adapter, which seems to work.
That’s kinda frustrating, but I appreciate the update.
I ordered the Edimax EW-7811Un (which is what is recommended in the start up guide) same-day from Amazon and that works out of the box with the Nano. So I guess that is good at least…