by the way, I use NVIDIA SDK Manager get the jetpack4.2.2 Linux_for_Tegra file,but I didn,t use it to install tx2 jetpack4.2.2. I don’t know it have problem or not.
At /nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.2.2_Linux_GA_P3310/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra186-mb1-bct-pinmux-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg, the original config is the following message. I think I don’t need to modify it.
by the way…I don’t know what is the difference between a00 and c03…
I modify the tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-c03-00-base.dtb, which config I need to modify…a00 or c03??
I finish flash my TX2…and then I check it address value by devmem. I get the following msg,it let me confuse why I didn’t modify it.
#./devmem 0x02430038
value at address 0x02430038 (0x7fa3fc4038):0x56
#./devmem 0x02430040
value at address 0x02430038 (0x7f97415040):0x56
#./devmem 0x02430048
value at address 0x02430038 (0x7f928e1000):0x56
#./devmem 0x02430050
value at address 0x02430038 (0x7f89e39050):0x58
You can see this pin is SPI4, then it’s map to software spi3 aka spi@3240000. SPI4 is HW pin name it start from 1, and software function start from 0
pinmux.0x02430038 = 0x00000401; # gpio_cam4_pn3: spi4, tristate-disable, input-disable
thank you…I try it on other board.
by the way…
pinmux.0x02430038 = 0x00000401; # gpio_cam4_pn3: spi4, tristate-disable, input-disable
if I want to know other REG Value, how can I do…ex: 0x402、0x403…etc, maybe have a document show every bit which mean .
thank you~~
I sucessfully enable SPI and I can use it by flashing a new board.
by the way~ have any solution which can let me flash REG value without clean my system.