My question is does TX2NX support initrd for flashing?
In document , it is only for Jetson Xavier NX and Jetson AGX Xavier series only, but I found the issue said TX2NX is supported.
I am little confused about why Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit can native boot from m.2 SSD using JetsonHacks method. What is different between production module and developer kit. Where can I find some document about that.
I just removed my previous post. Didn’t say it correctly.
The precise way should be
There are always some parts of binary on the native boot device. That native device should be either QSPI-NOR or emmc.
If your module has QSPI on the board, then bootloader binaries will be on it. For such module, the emmc may not be needed when booting from external case
→ A case here is NX module. NX module always has QSPI on both sdcard or emmc kind module.
However, some other modules do not have QSPI. For example, TX2-NX, TX1/TX2, and jetson Nano emmc module. For this kind of module, emmc is needed to for bootloader binary.
I am not sure why you want to ask NX issue when this post is for TX2-NX. Please note that “TX2-NX” is not one kind of jetson NX module. They are just using same carrier board but the module is using different SoC.
Your “NX production module” is probably the “NX emmc” moudle and “developer kit” is probably the “NX sdcard” module.
The jetsonhacks tool shall work on both kind of NX modules without problem.