I newly installed Ubuntu 18.04 (This specific version is required for some robotics application I am using so I cannot upgrade the Ubutnu version). After installing Nvdia driver, the system is stuck at black screen and I cannot get to the normal login menu. I tried swtiching to several different versions of the proprietary drivers (under Software & Updates as in the screenshot below) but things were the same.
I could boot through recovery mode and here are some information I gathered from it. When I run nvidia-settings
, I get this:
ERROR: NVIDIA driver is not loaded
ERROR: Unable to load info from any available system
When I run nvidia-smi
NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.
I get nvidia
when I run sudo prime-select query
I attached the bug report as well that I generated on the recovery mode.
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (115.1 KB)
I’m using Lenovo Ideapad 5i and my system set up is as the following:
Intel Core i7-1165G7 @2.8GHz x 8
Nvidia GeForce MX450 2GB
GNOME 3.28.2
Additionally, I found that I cannot adjust the brightness and I cannot connect to the 2nd monitor through HDMI. After googling, I suspect this might be related to the driver issue as well so I just combined the questions. Please let me know if I should provide additional information and/or I should separate my questions.
Thank you so much in advance!