Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - Kernel 4.15.0-140-generic - 5.2 and 5.1 Drivers Fail to Install

When using the 4.15.0-140-generic kernel I cannot get either of the 5x drivers to install:



Both fail with the same error:

Error: mlnx-en-dkms installation failed!

Problem: mlx5_core: module file: /lib/modules/4.15.0-140-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox/mlx5/core/mlx5_core.ko, from package: linux-modules-4.15.0-140-generic.

If I use an older kernel (4.15.0-112-generic), both drivers install fine.

Is the 4.15.0-140 kernel supported?

Hello Charlie,

Thank you for posting your inquiry on the NVIDIA Networking Community.

This is a known issue and is resolved in our latest MLNX_OFED version 5.3 GA which is available through our download site.

Thank you and regards,

~NVIDIA Networking Technical Support

Will the fix be applied to a Ethernet only driver?