Ubuntu 22.04 CUDA Docker Imager for Jetpack 5


I have a Xavier NX running Jetpack 5, and I intend to run a Ubuntu 22.04 docker container with CUDA enabled, to leverage the GPU for Gstreamer pipes that are required for my application.

I have installed the nvidia-container-toolkit but I am having a hard time using any of the OTS images available on NGC container repository (isaac-ros-dev-base, cuda-11.7-Ubuntu-22.04 etc) due to CUDA version mismatch (11.4 on the host).

Any advice on how to achieve this would be greatly helpful.

Sorry for the late response.
Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared?

The Ubuntu 22.04 docker image is for Jetpack 6. You may give it a try on Jetpack 5 but it is possible it does not work properly.

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