November 27, 2023, 10:22am
I have referred the following link to build UEFI using docker.
I am facing the following error while running “edk2_docker echo hello”.
nvidia:~$ export EDK2_DEV_IMAGE=“Package containers/ubuntu-20-dev · GitHub ”
nvidia:~$ export EDK2_USER_ARGS=“-v "${HOME}":"${HOME}" -e EDK2_DOCKER_USER_HOME="${HOME}"”
nvidia:~$ export EDK2_BUILD_ROOT=“/build”
nvidia:~$ export EDK2_BUILDROOT_ARGS=“-v "${EDK2_BUILD_ROOT}":"${EDK2_BUILD_ROOT}"”
nvidia:~$ alias edk2_docker=“docker run -it --rm -w "$(pwd)" ${EDK2_BUILDROOT_ARGS} ${EDK2_USER_ARGS} "${EDK2_DEV_IMAGE}"”
nvidia:~$ edk2_docker echo hello
Unable to find image ‘Package containers/ubuntu-20-dev · GitHub ’ locally
latest: Pulling from tianocore/containers/ubuntu-20-dev
99803d4b97f3: Retrying in 5 seconds
5a9dc81a6652: Retrying in 1 second
54debb09bff5: Retrying in 1 second
1ed55f661ae8: Waiting
4585169d800e: Waiting
f842c2638481: Waiting
a218e4ff6133: Waiting
cecc21f2085d: Waiting
52d2c40697e3: Waiting
91c387080e91: Waiting
docker: error pulling image configuration: download failed after attempts=6: read: connection reset by peer.
See ‘docker run --help’.
When I try to access “ghcr.io/tianocore/containers ” url, I could see 404 error. Ant different url I have to use for the docker image?
Hi rkk2,
What’s your host using for docker?
Have you confirmed the network access working as expected?
November 29, 2023, 10:31am
In the office network few urls are blocked, so I have faced the issue. After connecting to open network, I could see the docker run is working fine.
November 29, 2023, 10:48am
While creating work space, it failed. But it didn’t show any errors. The message shows that “failed to complete successfully with the following errors.”, but errors are not listed.
user:~$ edk2_docker edkrepo clone nvidia-uefi NVIDIA-Platforms r35.4.1
Cloning global manifest repository to: /home/user/.edkrepo/edk2-edkrepo-manifest-main from: GitHub - tianocore/edk2-edkrepo-manifest: Platforms manifests used by the edkrepo utility
The git command: git clone --branch=main --progress -v GitHub - tianocore/edk2-edkrepo-manifest: Platforms manifests used by the edkrepo utility /home/user/.edkrepo/edk2-edkrepo-manifest-main failed to complete successfully with the following errors.
What’s your host using for docker?
Have you confirmed if git
installed correctly?
November 30, 2023, 6:47am
It was proxy issue in the git config. I have unset using “git config --global --unset http.proxy”.
November 30, 2023, 6:59am
After build it created multiple artifacts. Can you help which images I have to take for my Nvidia Jetson AGX Orin development module.
PROGRESS - Running Post Build
INFO - Generating uefi image /build/nvidia-uefi/images/uefi_Jetson_RELEASE.bin
INFO - Copying boot app /build/nvidia-uefi/images/BOOTAA64_Jetson_RELEASE.efi
INFO - Copying DTB images/DgpuDtEfifbSupport_Jetson_RELEASE.dtbo
INFO - Copying DTB images/BootOrderUsb_Jetson_RELEASE.dtbo
INFO - Copying DTB images/BootOrderHttp_Jetson_RELEASE.dtbo
INFO - Copying DTB images/BootOrderUfs_Jetson_RELEASE.dtbo
INFO - Copying DTB images/L4TConfiguration_Jetson_RELEASE.dtbo
INFO - Copying DTB images/AcpiBoot_Jetson_RELEASE.dtbo
INFO - Copying DTB images/BootOrderPxe_Jetson_RELEASE.dtbo
INFO - Copying DTB images/BootOrderEmmc_Jetson_RELEASE.dtbo
INFO - Copying DTB images/BootOrderNvme_Jetson_RELEASE.dtbo
INFO - Copying DTB images/BootOrderSata_Jetson_RELEASE.dtbo
DEBUG - Plugin Success: Linux GCC5 Tool Chain Support
INFO - Writing BuildToolsReports to /build/nvidia-uefi/Build/Jetson/RELEASE_GCC5/BUILD_TOOLS_REPORT
DEBUG - Plugin Success: Build Tools Report Generator
Please replace <Linux_for_Tegra>/bootloader/uefi_jetson.bin with uefi_Jetson_RELEASE.bin you just built.
January 2, 2024, 4:20am
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