Unable to clone project

Hello! Digging in to all the things and having trouble cloning a project. It says “Connection Error: Project Clone Failed: Please verify the repository url, your permissions and credentials if the repository is private.”

The repository is private but it is within my space and my user is correctly configured. I also removed the GitHub integration and re-added it.

Now I’m running into another issue, which is that the path already exists when I try a second time, so I’m not sure I can even troubleshoot or try fixes.

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To verify:

  • You had your github credentials configured and you tried to clone a private repo that those credentials gave you access to
  • The repo you were trying to clone is an actual workbench project that follows the specification

If that’s the case, then sounds like something went wrong during clone. It can happen.

Please try the following:

  • Find the inventory.json file in the ~/.nvwb/ folder on your laptop. If you are on Windows, this is in the NVIDIA-Workbench WSL distro.
    • Inspect the file to see if there is an entry for it
  • If there is an entry, then do the following:
    • Delete that entry from the file. Note that you need to be careful not to change the overall json structure.
    • Go to the ~/.nvwb/project-runtime folder and completely remove the associated folder, which will be something like projectname-hash
  • Then try to clone it again.

You can see an example from my laptop in the screenshot below.

This post describes two issues. Clarifying here because it’s too late to edit my original post.

FIRST ISSUE (this thread, resolved here): Path already exists when I try a second time to download the problematic repo.
We’ve identified that this is related to the partially-downloaded repo not being cleaned up. It seems likely that this could have been a timing issue. E.g., the attempt to re-download failed because the first download was still in the process of being deleted.

Above response from @twhitehouse is helpful to cleanup partially downloaded repos on disk and make sure that there isn’t anything lingering.

SECOND ISSUE (resolved in another thread): Clone fails

Not sure where/why/how it being out of spec would cause the clone to fail, but with limited insight into the git operations and clone otherwise confidently working outside of Workbench I could see the possibility that Workbench is rejecting the repo after a successful clone, but reporting a misleading connection error. Seems less likely to be network in this case, especially since we’ve now confirmed from multiple locations/environments/etc.