Unable to Download Omniverse Machinima Beta

Hey Devs,

Was super excited for the news of the Omniverse Machinima open beta announcement today. Thats the application that initially roped me into the Omniverse pipeline so I’ve been anticipating it for quite a while.

I visited the specified page ( Omniverse Machinima App | NVIDIA) and signed up with my email (same email my nvidia account is registered on). The signup says its successful and gives me a Omniverse launcher download (which I decline because I already have Omniverse launcher) but upon looking at the available apps its not there.

Any ideas whats going on?

Dan Rita

Its not released yet, should be out end of the month, just working on final bits.

That’s a bit strange, the wording definitely wouldn’t suggest that:



so the open beta will be available near the end of the month?

I too am confused as to how to actually participate in the open beta for Machinima.

I’ve uninstalled and re-installed, I’ve switched from Studio to Gaming drivers, and I don’t see it anywhere in Omniverse Launcher :(

So sometime June/July or even later?


I’m not sure if the May driver update is what did it for me but I see it now. Very excited to try it out.